Free PPA list?

7 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 08/09/2009


Is there a place where a collection of Free(+AIF) PPA's are listed? I'm thinking of a service similar to the Abrowser extensions collection. If not.. would this be seen as a useful service?


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A rejoint: 02/25/2010

I don't know. It would be nice if there was, though.

By the way, what is AIF?

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A rejoint: 08/09/2009

FAIF = Free as in Freedom.

Daniel Molina
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A rejoint: 07/04/2009

> Is there a place where a collection of Free(+AIF) PPA's are listed?

I think it is a very good idea!

Those users with need them are not unusual. Also, everything like this would help the fact that using only free software is an standard and not a hack which need of deep personal research. To aproach the clasical spectrum of doing things to the pure free software way is a good step. I think.

Luis Felipe López Acevedo
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A rejoint: 03/13/2010

2011/6/26 <name at domain>

> Hello,
> Is there a place where a collection of Free(+AIF) PPA's are listed? I'm
> thinking of a service similar to the Abrowser extensions collection. If
> not.. would this be seen as a useful service?

I don't know of anything like that. I like the idea and I'd use such a

Luis Felipe López Acevedo

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

Since the PPAs are not under Trisquel's control, they may be Free at some time but later include (new or updated) softwares that are proprietary.

Furthermore, if the goal is the easy installation of new softwares (and not the installation of development versions of softwares available in Trisquel's repository) then verifying the freeness of the softwares in a PPA could directly result in their inclusion in Trisquel's repository (what quidam sometimes do and what avoids the "endorsement" of the PPA that may be problematic as explained above).

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A rejoint: 04/10/2011

Does Launchpad even host proprietary software?

Luis Felipe López Acevedo
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A rejoint: 03/13/2010

2011/7/10 <name at domain>

> Does Launchpad even host proprietary software?


Luis Felipe López Acevedo