Free software friendly GPS?

8 réponses [Dernière contribution]
Trisk Spellian
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A rejoint: 03/20/2015


I'm in the market for a GPS, but I've got some questions you might be able to answer.

First, I want a GPS that tells me where I am, but doesn't transmit my location to anyone or anything else. So, basically a strict receiver and not a transitter. Is that possible? Is that how GPS normally works?

And secondly, is it possible to get this in a way that even RMS would approve of? How can we be sure that a GPS device *isn't* transmitting information even if the manufacturor claims it doesn't?


Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

So, basically a strict receiver and not a transitter. Is that possible? Is that how GPS normally works?


And secondly, is it possible to get this in a way that even RMS would approve of?

Privacy-wise, I do not think there is a problem. If you mean that it would only run free software, then I let you search the Web (I do not have a GPS receiver).

How can we be sure that a GPS device *isn't* transmitting information even if the manufacturor claims it doesn't?

Through a hidden 3G chip for instance? Well, that looks hard...

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A rejoint: 03/12/2015

I found this, but I'm not exactly sure it's what you're looking for:

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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

I think one chance would be to use GTA04 running Replicant and F-Droid repos for OSMAnd.
Read this link there is a video showing support for it.
I think it would be nice setup. Also you got a music player on the pack :P

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A rejoint: 12/05/2014

or you could use the openmoko gta02 if you can find one!

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A rejoint: 06/05/2013

Regarding the GTA04, it seems according to this
it doesn't have access to Mobile Data or Wifi. Does that mean that in
order to install OSMAnd you would have to sideload it? And how would
OSMAnd work without being able to download the maps?

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A rejoint: 12/05/2014

you can connect the the internet on the gta04
through usb ethernet to your pc with free software:

or just copy the maps onto the phone from you pc with a usb cable

or as you say you could sideload them

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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

I don't know what you mean "sideload" them, but yes, you can either access internet with usb cable or download the files for offline instalation.

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A rejoint: 12/05/2014