GNU Linux-libre 6 + I'm Too Sixy

4 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 09/13/2010

Now that GNU Linux-libre 6 is out so is the matching artwork and song.
Freedo's in a concert singing about the new version 6 in a song called I'm Too Sixy.
To the tune of I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred, so keep that in mind when reading the lyrics.

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A rejoint: 03/15/2020

Any opinions on the amount of stuff getting removed by making the kernel Libre ? Getting better or worse ?

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A rejoint: 09/13/2010

I looked at the back in February, and...

This is depressing to think about nonfree firmware eating the world:

Uncompressed source code of Linux 5.16.7: 1.1GB

The "source" of nonfree firmware: Over 700MB and growing so it's a good percentage of the size of the ENTIRE KERNEL ITSELF.

Free firmware with actual source code? 24.5MB and not growing

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A rejoint: 12/20/2021

What version of the gnu-linux.libre you use?

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A rejoint: 09/13/2010

I usually stick with an LTS kernel that matches the one that was in the distro, or is the next one above it in case where the distro kernels don't match with the upstream LTS versions. For Trisquel 9 that was Linux-libre 4.19. For Trisquel 10 that's Linux-libre 5.4.