4 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 03/24/2018

Where can I find the GPG key (file) for Trisquel 8? I did found an old one in one of the mirrors but it gave me a bad signature.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010
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A rejoint: 03/24/2018

Thanks MAgic Banana, but that is the key that I downloaded before ... maybe I'm doing something wrong and you can light me up. This is what I got on the directory that I'm working on:


So the command that I'm using are the following:

gpg --import trisquel-archive-signkey.gpg
gpg: key 8D8AEBF1: "Trisquel GNU/Linux (Trisquel GNU/Linux signing key) <name at domain>" not changed
gpg: key 0C05112F: "Trisquel GNU/Linux <name at domain>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 2
gpg: unchanged: 2

But then this is what happen:

gpg --verify trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso.asc trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso
gpg: Signature made Sun 18 Jun 2017 10:53:40 PM CDT using DSA key ID 8D8AEBF1
gpg: BAD signature from "Trisquel GNU/Linux (Trisquel GNU/Linux signing key) <name at domain>"

So, what I am doing wrong?

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

It is to authenticate packages, right? If so, execute those commands in a terminal:
$ wget
$ sudo apt-key add trisquel-archive-signkey.gpg

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A rejoint: 03/24/2018

Yes I am trying to authenticate the package. The md5sum mathc so we are good on that part. I can't use apt-get because right now I am using Freenix (FreeSlack) and that is why I was trying to ensure that I have the right package from the right person. The way that I add the key file is using the command gpg --import. When I executed the last command (gpg --import) it doesn't gave me any error.