Half of American adults are in a police face recognition database

3 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 04/13/2013
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A rejoint: 03/22/2016

only half? I thought it was more.:(

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A rejoint: 01/09/2013


You might not know this, It is not only Americans, but everyone who travels world wide and enters any airport internationally their faces is already register.

Unless you have a flying carpet, then the problem is any satellite could track you.
Unless you dig a tunnel, then they could detect with sensors and satellite infrared rays.
Unless you could swim or boat across the vast oceans, still the sharks will get you or customs agents could detect you.

But I'm invisible and I could levitate but darn technology still could identify you.

enjoy, I'm watching you at all times..

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A rejoint: 07/27/2016

I find that interesting but is it germane to trisquel-users?

Maybe hint why anyone might see this as a problem and how free software
can help. For instance:
