Hey, I need some help :)

4 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 02/06/2013

I install Trisquel-mini. It is very nice and easy to costum, gnash is great, for my old computer better then flash. The only problem which i have is that I dont know how to add programs to autostart. Sesion menager have some programs which I can add at startup but not all and I dont know how to add more, for instance Pidgin. My question is.. Is ther any program whit gui in repositories which I can add to manage my program autostarting ? Thank you all, great job !

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/19/2012

Hallo, i didn't use that yet, but
System Settings -> Startup Applications
might be what you are looking for


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 09/21/2010

Found this : Preferences->Desktop session settings
label 'Automatically started apps', but I did not find an option to add a new app, it's more for daemons.
I added all my favorite programs to the task bar, cause autostarting ALL programs just eat your memory and I don't need all of them at the same time.
Also you can try ask here : http://lxde.org/irc or to check here: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXSession

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A rejoint: 02/06/2013

Thank you http://lxde.org/irc and http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXSession was very helpful. I was to lazy to edit everything manualy so I add Xfce desktop :) It is as fast as LXDE but have autostart option and can use Gnome and KDE aps. Thank you again


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 09/21/2010

By the way LXDE faster and need less memory.