"Hey, papas gotta brand new bag!" FSF home page revamp.

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 04/08/2009

The Free Software Foundation have re-designed their home page (and not before time methinks. It's very colorful and much more interesting, check it out:



I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 12/28/2009

It's quite a gorgeous website, isn't it? The previous home page was attractive, too, but that GNU mascot sprite could have been confusing to somebody that doesn't know what it represents.

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A rejoint: 04/08/2009

Yes, thats true. What with the penguin and the gnu, things can get a little confusing. FSF web site is now more a central portal for free software, thats a much better idea.Looks like the whole web site got a makeover. I'd still like to see it much more user-centered though. For example, why isn't the free software directory search on the home page?  Someone might go to FSF to look for an alternative to a proprietary application, if they can't find it easily, they'll go elsewhere.