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No trolling allowed on the new forum. Violaters will be required to listen to the entire 8-hour audiobook of "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic" by Bill Gates.
...which was published in 2014, if I am not mistaken.
"How to Prevent anyone from Preventing the Next Plandemic"
"How to Make a $100 Billion Dollars off the next Pandemic"
I believe yak poo is a powerful repellent against mosquitoes and viruses.
I am planning to build my next hut in yak-poo-enriched mud bricks and sell the complete video how-to guide: "Hey! We're yak!!!"
Yak and Gnu: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/249455/yak-and-gnu-by-juliette-maciver-illustrated-by-cat-chapman/
Double the poo, double the fun.
YAK - Yet Another Kayak.
***just realized that screensaver tester might not be the dream job I had always thought it was***
...which brings us to another traditional TL topic, wallpapers:

I don't see your footprints in the sand. How did you get inside the cave to take that picture? Have you developed bat wings finally, and failed to tell us about it?
You can see the track left by my kayak on that rock outside the cave.
I forgot to lower the landing gear, as usual.
Hi I have a problem to create a new post in the Troll Lounge,
I try to create a new tread but my message cannot be saved
Yes I see that, very strange. I just started a new thread on the newly released version of Hyperbola and it appears to be working. I wonder why I appear to have new thread privileges and you don't.
Did you happen to use the secret Troll Lounge passphrase "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" when you started your thread? Without it, I'm afraid Cthulhu may not allow you to post here.
No Andy I never use the passphrase :D
seriously: I have try to create a new tread titled "Mastodon?", do you see it?
Oh, I see the problem - you are being "serious". This is not allowed in the Troll Lounge.
>"I have try to create a new tread titled "Mastodon?", do you see it?"
I do see what you tried to do, but I get the same error as what @lanun/|anun/Ianun reported. Maybe you should try to post again? I think your original post simply got smashed for some strange technical reason that only a true genius like RMS or Isaac Newton or Bill Gates or Joe Biden would be able to understand.
Andy I beg your pardon, I was serious :)
Now I try to create the new tread
You have to pay the toll to David, the High Guardian of Troll Lounge. The Troll Toll, as we call it. It used to be collected by the Troll Toll Troll but some grumpy users found it too difficult to pronounce, so we elected to call him David instead.
Else, what did you want to tell us about Mastodon? Are you using it at the moment? I just carve my public messages on menhirs on my way home. I might get answers from other passers-by and we start stone chatting. There is also a menhir delivery service for urgent messaging but I find it too expensive so I use smoke signals instead.
I seem to remember that I was just trying to read your thread about Mastodon when the content of the website started to unravel. I thought you might have been up to something, because maybe you did not like Trisquel Sugar 10 or something. I could never access your thread, though, and have been getting this strange error page each time I tried:
Hi Ianun I have the same error when I open my tread, I write here my message:
hello, in the last weeks I discover Mastodon
someone here use it? I find only few old reference in these forums.
my account is @lichyngyun
About the error: have you tried to create a thread in another part of the forum? I am thinking that the general problem with the website might have created a bug in your account if you were connected and active when it happened (beginning of last week). If the problem persists and you cannot create threads, you should write to David (the real one, not the Troll Toll Troll) and he will fix it.
Do you think his post got trapped in the Troll Lounge worm hole that we discovered last year?
I think a mastodon is too large an animal, it will more or less inadvertently break things on its way.
Although 28812 does sound like a Cthulhu error code, for what I can remember.
If my calculations are correct, it is now only 90 years until 2112, when Rush prophecied that the Priests of the Temple of Syrinx will announce:
"Attention all planets of the Solar Federation: We have assumed control. We have assumed control. We have assumed control."
So, probably the error code is a celebration of the 90th preversary of the eventual takeover of the solar system and the banning of all music.
Wow! one of the best Hard Rock song of all times!
no, I didn't try to create a tread in another part of the forum
I have the same error when I open my tread
So have I. The annoying part is that the thread remains marked as "new". As a consequence, there is always "1 new" topic in the Troll Lounge even if everything that can be read was read. There used to be a button to mark all threads as read. It has apparently disappeared. Maybe it would have worked despite the buggy thread.
@andyprough @Ianun
now the problem is solved... I create 2 tread about Mastodon...
and I don't know how to delete one...
is better for me to go to sleep, goodnight
>"and I don't know how to delete one..."
No need to delete one. I can assure you, your extra thread on Mastodon is vastly more relevant than half the things that Masaru ever wrote about and that are still taking up space in the Troll Lounge. Let it be.
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