how to change the text-based console colors from gray on black to red on black
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Hello Trisquel users,
I've been trying to figure out how to change the text-based console colors from gray on black to red on black. I've currently have a VM of Trisqual Mini with minor tweaks made to it such as unwanted/unneeded packages removed [gnome-mplayer, xfburn, epdfview, gpicview etc...]
Installed joe, mc (midnight commander) and calcurse
I've changed grub.
My goal is to use an old desktop for offline and bare bone school purposes in a distraction free working environment on a FSF-approved disto.
Joe = to write
mc = to transfer
calcurve = for keeping track
and so far I've gotten 99% of what I want, however, the gray on black is not what I prefer.
I want to change from the "" to the "new.png"
Hopefully I've provided enought information.
Pièce jointe | Taille |
old.png | 11.43 Ko |
new.png | 10.88 Ko |
You can easily change the color after login with setterm. E.g.
setterm -store -foreground red
(perhaps put that in your ~/.bashrc)
It probably is possible to put that somewhere in the startup scripts to make things work as you wish from the beginning but with Upstart and whatnots it's getting beyond my comprehension how to do so...
Another way if that color is off is
echo -en "\e]P79C0000"
(which mangles the white color to red)
These probably have pros and cons.
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