How to encrypt non-boot drive

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A rejoint: 08/09/2013


I'm trying to encrypt a hard drive which is not the boot drive (the boot drive is already encrypted).

I tried doing this with "Disks". I selected the drive in question and formatted it GPT. Then I added a partition LUKS + Ext4 and chose a name and passphrase. Now the partition is visible in Caja. So far so good.

Then, I unlocked the partition using the passphrase. I found I can do this right from Caja, or from Disks, or I can even use Disks to configure this to happen automatically on startup.

One way or another, after the partition is unlocked, it is no longer visible in Caja. What gives?

Thanks in advance.

kenogo (non vérifié)

Let's try if this works in the command line so we can perhaps narrow down the cause of the problem by either seeing that everything works nicely there or getting some helpful error messages.

1. Unplug your device and plug it back in. If your desktop environment makes attempts to mount it by asking you for the password, cancel them.
2. Get your device handle /dev/sdX (where X may be a, b, c...) by running "sudo fdisk -l" and identifying your disk in the list of devices.
3. Run "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdX1 extcrypt" and enter your encryption password. Note that /dev/sdX1 should of course be modified to correspond to your device handle. "extcrypt" is just a name we give the decrypted file system, you can choose something else.
4. Run "sudo mount /dev/mapper/extcrypt /mnt" and "ls /mnt"

If everything worked, you should get no error messages and see the lost+found directory in /mnt.