How I can upgrade the kernel?

4 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 10/04/2010

How I can upgrade the kernel to the latest one?

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

What is your architecture? If you do not know, this command will print it:
$ arch

  • With a 32 bit system, just add this repository: (I can be more explicit if you do not know the details of such a move).
  • With a 64 bit system, you have to compile the kernel from the source.
  • Yousef
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    A rejoint: 10/04/2010

    64-bit, is there any tutorial to do that?

    Magic Banana

    I am a member!

    I am a translator!

    Hors ligne
    A rejoint: 07/24/2010

    Well, you can follow the instructions for Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (since Trisquel 4 is based on it). Of course, you will want to compile a Linux-libre kernel. Here are the latest source code of it.

    Alternatively, you may want to use the beta of Trisquel 4.5 (Slaine). It comes with the newer 2.6.35 kernel (i.e., not the newest).

    Hors ligne
    A rejoint: 06/25/2010

    Also, here is gNewSense how-to: