how i make conection WIN 8.1 ethernet LAN with Trisquel

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 02/01/2014


can you me help setup conection between win 8.1 WIFI and cabel LAN LInux Trisquel ,

thanks Rudolf

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

You have to create a WIFI Hotspot with Trisquel's Network Manager as shown here :

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A rejoint: 02/01/2014

hi , i have only WIN 8.1 and cabek LAN , i need setup PC and OLD coputer where is Trisquel , in old PC - Triquel i have not WIFI , due wireless N 150 is very hard instal , if you know how instal N 150 , i have trisquel lowlatency and this kern not pupport wireless N150 ,
