how install trisquel on a partition?

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 09/08/2014

trisquel 11.0.1 iso
Installing from an usb stick on a hdd.
Hdd has 4 ext4 partitions. Each partition is 40gb.
During installation at installation
type I select something else.
Then a window named installation type displays.
One of the partitions listed is named /dev/sdb1 ext4 40gb.
How do I install trisquel on /dev/sdb1 such that
/dev/sdb2, /dev/sdb3 and /dev/sdb4 are left
alone? Thank you.

Magic Banana

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Hors ligne
A rejoint: 07/24/2010

You can ask / to be on /dev/sdb1. If you want more partitions (typically a swap partition and/or a separate /home), you should remove /dev/sdb1 and create the desired partitions in the liberated space. All that can be done from the partitioning tool the "Something else" type of installation provides.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/08/2014

maybe I have approached this matter the wrong way. I want to
have a hdd having installed several gnulinux
systems side by side. I thought the way to go
was to create 40gb ext4 partitions on a hdd
and then install a gnulinux system on each partition.

Then how should I go about this? I once managed to install several gnulinux
systems on a hdd side by side. Then I installed another gnulinux
system which deleted all the other gnulinux systems. That
is what I want to avoid. Can you give instructions?