How to keep Trisquel updated (security updates)

4 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 10/29/2017

Just as the tittle said... How do you guys/gals keep your distro updated, security wise? I am interested in the things you do to keep your Trisquel version, 7 or 8, with the latest security updates.

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A rejoint: 09/13/2017

Here, you would like to contribute for Trisquel to mirror security updates from Debian testing to keep Trisquel secured.

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A rejoint: 10/29/2017

I really don’t understand your answer! I’m not looking for the latest package version, since I’m not suffering from “versionitis”, but let’s say that I’m running Trisquel 7 and some of the packages have not being updated and they are waiting to receive a security update. What do you do? What the people who use Trisquel do?
1 Keep waiting for the official security patch
2 look for Ubuntu, Debian package and update the package yourself
3 delete the package
4 or try to create a Trisquel package and submit it back to the community

I’m a Slackware user and that’s some of the things that I can do to keep my system with the latest security patches. So what is the common wisdom here with the Trisquel community?

I’m not bashing at the developers and/or the distro itself but I have been thinking on switching to Trisquel and I would like to see what can I expect or not, or what I’m heading off.

Mangy Dog

I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Hi Yoda ;-)

Gd_Scania certainly missunderstood you, Trisquel 7 & 8 user's wait till the security updates are provided by Trisquel's lead developer Ruben.

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A rejoint: 09/13/2017

Latest security patches, i.e. cutting edge securities, you instead need Parabola but it is pacman based, if you need a Deb system Deb testing w/o contrib or nonfree is best to you.