How to upgrade from Trisquel 8 to Trisquel 9
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Could someone tell me how best to upgrade from Trisquel 8 to Trisquel 9.
Do I have to download the iso and install from scratch or is there a way upgrade it from within Trisquel iteslf ?
You can upgrade from Trisquel 8. I did so yesterday.
According to quidam (Trisquel's leader), executing 'sudo do-release-upgrade' in a terminal should be enough:
However, as I replied, I actually had to execute 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d':
Also, the "Update Manager" should propose the update, I believe. On my system, it was not. And on yours?
Presumably it would be a good idea to backup any data first... (just repeating some good advice read elsewhere)
Thank you for the reply.
I will give do-release-upgrade a go, but first yes I think I better do a backup.
My Update Manager has not proposed the update as yet, and in general when I have tried to use it it has not worked.
Finally got round to giving this a go, but when I attempt to run:
$ sudo do-release-upgrade
(or sudo do-release-upgrade -d)
I get the following error (it's not a network connection issue):
Get:2 etiona-security/main amd64 Packages [1,526 kB]
Get:3 etiona-security/main i386 Packages [1,521 kB]
Get:4 etiona-security/main i386 Packages [1,521 kB]
Fetched 6,093 kB in 0s (0 B/s)
Error during update
A problem occurred during the update. This is usually some sort of
network problem, please check your network connection and retry.
E:Failed to stat
- pkgAcqTransactionItem::TransactionState-stat (2: No such file or
directory), E:Failed to stat
- pkgAcqTransactionItem::TransactionState-stat (2: No such file or
Restoring original system state
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
=== Command detached from window (Wed Dec 30 17:08:39 2020) ===
=== Command terminated with exit status 1 (Wed Dec 30 17:08:49 2020) ===
Before I give uo and re-install from scratch has anyone seen that before, or know what might be happening here ?
$ sudo sed -i s/flidas/etiona/ /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
That seems to have worked.
Thank you
Maybe, a stupid question.... :-) If I upgrade my T8 to T9, my desktop layout/appareance remain the same than now??
Bacause I have personalized it so much (panel/menus/Apps/launcher/color/etc...), and don't want lost nothing of that. I wanna try to do it using Update Manager.
Much to my pleasant surprise, a lot of subtle customization work invested before a do-release-upgrade was still preserved. Desktop icons I created remained the same as before.
I noticed changes in the default font name and size in the terminal and in pluma after the upgrade and had to spend some time getting my preferences back to retain desktop real-estate with a new monospace font for each.
Pluma window borders tend to take up more desktop space, with larger uglier tabs, but I can slide the window a bit below a semi opaque task bar to make things fit. Ctrl-End after a revert works only if Ctrl-Home is done first now.
Also in the Mate terminal: The scroll bar size is larger and less accurately reveals the inversely proportional amount of scroll buffer space left. It is more difficult to predict when to select and copy an unclipped terminal text buffer to the clipboard for archival purposes.
The less pager fills up from the bottom first leaving unused space at the top which needs a bit getting used to.
Ansii background colors seem to have changed where bold and dim now appear the same, although foreground brightnesses still come in 3 levels for each of the standard hues which also are more subtle and pleasant. Ansii inversion, however better preserve foreground intensities mapping them to the equivakent background intensities now.
Otherwise, almost as polished as Trisquel 8 was before.

Thanks for your reply Martins.
I have do a lot of modify in my T8 (look 1.pmg) and not all are saved in my appearance profile, panel menus or launcher add in tool bar are not saved there, for instance.
If I can preserve only stuff saved and lost everything else... :-O I shoot in my head! :-):-) There isn't a better solution to preserve all?
I see interesting customizations to your T8 desktop. Under Control Center --> Software Updater --> Settings --> Updates is an option: Notify me of a new Trisquel version: Where by default is: long-term support versions. I never received any notice there so I used: sudo do-release-upgrade -d
Customizations were respected in two different systems where I had tried the command. In my cheaper test PC, I saw the new desktop after the upgrade finished. However, the updated T9 system refused to reload, after the first required reboot.
This is when I lost some non-data work when going back to T8. I forgot to save changes I added to /usr/local/bin
A fresh T8 install required reformatting the partition where I had mounted the root of the original T8 filesystem where I had also placed the no longer recognized and T9-updated grub bootloader from T8, but I was able to keep the partition containing /home intact. I now use only one T9 system that was not installed via USB and was upgraded quite impressively.
By the way, I have benefited reading many short and helpful suggestions from Magic Banana.
«I see interesting customizations...» Thanks! ;-) For that don't want lost all my job.
On my machine Update Manager work well and propose me also upgrade to T9, for that I wanna try in this way. And also to check if work all good, if not I can report issues.
Yes, MB is great. He help me so much with many issues, directly or reading him post's. But I'm not a terminal user, when exist a GUI I prefer follow that way (when is possible), in front to copy and past commands than I don't understand. I read some instruction concern upgrade, but no ones has really clarify me about that.
Anyway thanks for your info, when I have so much time will do some experiment on VM, to stay quiet...
Odd, I also needed to use Magic Bananas' more elaborate command to actually get the upgrade running. When I tried to only do "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" I got the feedback: "Upgrades to the development release are only available from the latest supported release." In fact I just did all updates right before I tried the upgrade. So there seems to be something wrong with the upgrade notification. But at least this helpful discussion was easy to find. I am curious if my mini installation will stay as responsive as it was. The upgrade is at 60 percent now ...
During the upgrade I got a warning that I should stop the X-window system to avoid the problem of users not being able to login again. But since I didn't see an obvious way to do that I hoped that the installer would do that by itself. Obviously it didn't. The Upgrade just carried on after I confirmed that I red the message. And indeed I couldn't login again. Therefore, I downloaded a install version of Trisquel 9 and will do a clean installation instead. I would say the upgrade path isn't especially smooth. :/
I have freshly installed Trisquel 9 mini (32bit) on my ThinkPad T40 with LUKS encryption in LVM using the German language and keyboard layout now two times. I used the "forcepae" boot flag since otherwise the installation wouldn't even start.
I am impressed how well the Trisquel team has implemented the LXDE desktop and how well they avoided any clutter with non-essential software. I always liked Debians LXDE implementation but the Trisquel experience is at a whole other level in this regard. It is fantastic.
Unfortunately, the fun ended rather quickly because both times I couldn't login again after applying the offered updates and doing the recommended re-boot. (I was surprised that there were even any updates because I opted for installing the updates right away during the installation routine.)
Anyhow: Even if I display the command line output instead of watching the splash screen by pressing the "F3" key I only get the login prompt for a fraction of a second before a blinking cursor appears and sticks forever. I can't interrupt or escape to an interactive command line.
I don't know how to get un-stuck. Can anyone give me advise?
... Oh, I just found an old discussion of the same problem I encounter. I will try to follow the suggestion that seems to have worked for others:
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