Hungarian keyboard

4 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 06/04/2014

Hi! I am from Hungary. I installed Trisquel on my Dell Vostro laptop. When I want to log in the system, my computer does not recognize my hungarian keyboard settings. I can not to write in the correct password. I set up my hungarian keyboard during the installation process correctly. What is the solution? Thanks

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A rejoint: 05/13/2010

Hello! Try this, edit /etc/gdm/Init/Default (as superuser). Add there to the end, just before exit 0

setxkbmap hu

Then restart gdm. (i.e. reboot or close your open programs and goto VT1 with Ctrl+Alt+F1 and login and then input sudo service gdm restart)

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A rejoint: 06/04/2014

Thanks a lot! Your advice solved my problem

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A rejoint: 05/13/2010

Glad to hear that, enjoy freedom!


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 11/20/2012

/etc/default/keyboard is probably a more universal config file, which applies to tty too. I think GDM reads from it.

P.S.: Set "XKBLAYOUT" to "hu". See within /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ for variants.