I did Trisquel Wallpapers
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Hello :) I will post them on the next comment for you to see them.
They are not that good but I tryed my best :) hope you like them. If you want one of them with a change let me know
I used this:
Pièce jointe | Taille |
trisquel-lwallpapers.svg_.bz2 | 217.99 Ko |
Here are the wallpapers
First 5

Thank youuuu so muuuuchhhh!!!
Now i don't know which is the one i like the most! It is very hard to choose....
When Trisquel 8 is out i will for sure put those wallpapers of yours in my desktop!
Anyway despite i am currently using Debian Jessie and waiting for Trisquel 8 to install on my pc i will put rigth now now those wallpapers! Too much beautiful to wait!...
Thanks very much again albertoefg!
Best regards
They look really nice! Especially the second one.
Thanks my friend :)
good! +34353535435 :))
Thanks my friend :)
Under what license will you release them?
Well the logo already has a license under GNU GPL https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/logo so I think I have to realse them under a GNU GPL license (or at least the logo has to be)
If that is not the case I think my work would be Free Art License 1.3 (FAL 1.3) https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:FAL1.3 to respect GPL compatibility
Fantastic albertoefg!!!
Absolute awesome! I don't really care if they are simple or not. I liked it! The ones i liked the most by that order:
1- 7.png
2- 13 png
3- 14png
4- 6png
I love purple and orange colours. If 7 and 13 could join... :P
How do you did it? With Gimp? Inkscape?
Thanks very much for sharing your passion with us :)
Thanks my friend :)
I did them with Inkscape the original file with all the images is on the first post, you gotta exctract it before use it (it is compressed as Trisquel forum doesn't accept svg files).
I think inkscape will open with zoom, so zoom out a little and you will see more wallpapers :)
If you do your own please share with us :)
Great work! 2-7 is my favourite ;)
Awesome Job! I like all of them.
Awesome! Thank you for sharing these wallpapers! I love the blue&grey ones!
Thanks to you my friends cantor, HuangLao, dany4president, I am happy you like them :)
Lovely wallpapers. I'm a minimalist so my top votes go to 6_2, 11 and 12. However maybe its just me but the edges on those two are not perfectly smooth, is that how it is on the original logo?
Nice job albertofg.
Since I have created some other wallpapers and icons for my personal desktop which, of course, I whish to share, and responding to salman advise: We should create a new sticky thread under the name " Trisquel 8 Artwork ".
Agree with him. We can collect all info and designs related to Trisquel 8.
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