I got my Free Software Gigabit Mini VPN Router (TPE-R1400)
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Yesterday I went to the Customs Office to get my Free Software Gigabit Mini VPN Router (TPE-R1400), next is verifying the GPL compliance of my German Telekom Glasfaser-Modem.
Once done I will add to the FSFE wiki. https://fsfe.org/news/2023/news-20230915-01.en.html seems worth reading if you live in Germany.
Europe is more conscientious about these matters. I'm in the US. Currently I am on cable but have also had fiber in the past. For fiber, the modem and the router are bunched into the same device and I had no choice but to use the company's approved device. Cable only requires a modem but it also is an approved device. So what FSFE is fighting for, we do not have here.
https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/router-freedom-tracker_581123#4/53.12/18.37 shows the overall situation.
I have seen tutorials to replace the routeur from my ISP in France, but the ISP provides neither information nor support, people have to experiment and find out what works and what does not work. That can change at any time and can be different for different customers with exactly the same subscription.
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