i just HATE modern website design

20 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 04/22/2013

Am i the only one who feels that way??

what about good old websites like

It looks nice, you have a great overview and the content is very well visible.

Instead, make room for this shit

I mean, almost every website nowadays looks that way; huge vertical drop down menu (of course making use of lots of proprietary javascript), a gigantic headline and an endless amount of content squeesed onto my screen, with completely USELESS stereotype picture of the young, cool modern hipsters.
I just hate it; it's slow as ass, i never find what i'm looking for, it's simply BAD.

Now i'm done with my rant... thanks for listening!


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 04/09/2014

I can second this. I don't understand the constant need for shiny sliding menus and slideshows. If anything they make the website run incredibly slow and I'm likely to stop reading and find the information I need elsewhere.

This is also why both of my websites are coded in good old fashioned plain HTML. It's compatible with every browser, it loads lightning fast, and all the info you need is there plain as day.

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A rejoint: 05/30/2012

To be fair, the menus can be done with only CSS. This website might offend some people, but it's a great example of the menu layout done right, i.e. with only CSS and none of that extra JavaScript crap:


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A rejoint: 01/09/2013

Definitely it is a bad choice!
You could had search for a better web site, instead of the one you promoted.

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A rejoint: 01/09/2013


I'll stand with you on that matter. I saw those links you provided an they feel utterly vague and tasteless web sites.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

Couldn't agree more with you gravity! css design is great!


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 08/21/2014

I experience that during my years in computing (since 1983), I'm tending to draw more towards pure ascii , cli and simplicity. I really agree with you.
I like simple studpid stuff like this -> :) www.kollektivet0x242.no - Well yeah, it's a bit "over the edge".

What do you think of this -> http://hanspetter.info/ (One of the most exposed social media profiles in my country). The webdesign is so "buzy" that I've get frustrated just by looking at it. My eyes just don't know where to focus.

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A rejoint: 01/06/2013

>What do you think of this -> http://hanspetter.info/

That main page design is indeed a piece of shit.

>The web design is so "buzy" that I've get frustrated just by looking at it. My eyes just don't know where to focus.

Can't agree more with you, it's so chaotic and random.

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A rejoint: 05/18/2013

The Bootstrap website is an example of modern web design done right: http://getbootstrap.com/

Hey, look! The links work without Javascript!
On pages like http://getbootstrap.com/css/ the links to the right will work without JS, even though the side-links have extra features with Javascript enabled.

It's called graceful degradation.

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A rejoint: 08/13/2014

The main page seems to be a good example of the type of web design that quantumgravity disagrees with.

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A rejoint: 04/22/2013

True... it's rather a vertical slideshow with random structure than a website;
If i scroll down just one inch, i can't see the menu anymore; why choose a verical menu for a website like that?
And why make the fonts so big?? So I have to scroll even more??
I don't have _any_ overview whatsoever when scrolling, because the big letters just fly all over the place and because it's so much vertical content...

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A rejoint: 05/18/2013

This link http://getbootstrap.com/css/ (with a big block-o text) might be a better example.

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A rejoint: 04/22/2013

If i make the fonts a bit smaller, it's fine.

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A rejoint: 05/18/2013

I guess modern websites have large fonts for the iPad retina display. I like them on my laptop, which has a higher PPI than my desktop monitor. :-)

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A rejoint: 04/22/2013

Hmm... don't really get this.
Isn't it important to have big fonts if the display is _bad_, not if it's good?
I mean if the fonts are smaller, they're not blurred or anything on the ipad right?^^

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A rejoint: 05/18/2013

The third generation iPad and higher have a "retina display" which is 264 Pixels per inch instead of the standard 72 PPI on standard computer displays. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retina_Display)

It could also be the increasing use of "smart" phones (sorry, I hate that buzzword) to browse the internet. Smaller screens, bigger fonts?

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A rejoint: 08/13/2014

I'm not especially concerned with web site design, but I prefer compact designs instead of designing full of non-text and images that serve no functional purpose. However, I highly dislike https://www.prestashop.com/, The meaningful text would easily fit in one screen, were it not for the useless images.

For an old fashioned site, see http://c2.com/.

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A rejoint: 12/05/2014

this old fashond site wanted me to run flash o.o ???

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A rejoint: 05/18/2013

It must be the Vimeo embed. Lots of old websites (over)used Flash....

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A rejoint: 12/05/2014

why the dislikes?

didn’t read the link too tired

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A rejoint: 05/18/2013

It (was) spam.