Icedove version 38.4.0-1-deb7u1+7.0trisquel2 fails to connect to's IMAP and POP3 servers
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Tommy Tolson, have you considered asking for help here in the Trisquel *forums*?
Free software projects are about community engagement and preservation of the users' essential freedoms.
Of course we could all go around saying unpleasant things or bragging about something, but that doesn't help much, both you and the community.
Last, but not least, if you got mail-bombed by the list, perhaps you could have seem the apologies made by the list maintainer, because he really feels sorry for the inconvenience, so sorry that he wrote that apology *beforehand*.
name at domain, Ven 22 Abr 2016 14:17:15 CEST:
> Last, but not least, if you got mail-bombed by the list, perhaps you
> could have seem the apologies made by the list maintainer, because
> he really feels sorry for the inconvenience, so sorry that he wrote
> that apology *beforehand*.
Is that a joke?
Ignacio Agulló · name at domain
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
Before openning this topic I contact the maintainer of OpenMailBox, but since I got the email working with Evolution, I and the maintainer came to the consideration that it's not the service. Unless of course, OpenMailBox is proven to be using a non-standard "secret" or "communication step" (note for these two words: high chance of making mistakes here, since I don't deal with network standardization).
But perhaps we should reach both OpenMailBox again and Debian?
Everyone, please keep us informed when the issue is brought to the attention of the Debian maintainers.
I try to use OpenMailBox with IceDove and Slypheed, didn't work. Then I read your post and you are right, it does work with Evolution.
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