Installing packages without internet connection
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I want to install packages on a computer without internet access. But I have a second computer with internet connection.
I downloaded them as .deb files and tried apt-get install /home/USER/file.deb but it didn't work. Installing via the graphical package manager doesn't work either.
Please help me if you know how to do it.
Please describe the problem that occured in more detail.
In general it's perfectly possible to copy a .deb file on another computer and install it with
sudo dpkg -i path/to/yourfile.deb
There is one big problem: the package will probably have dependencies which dpkg doesn't take account for.
In the case of a disconnected pc I recommend the Debian operating system with only free repositories enabled because this way you can download all the debian dvds which contains their whole repository and use apt for installing software.
So you won't have to struggle with dependencies.
I don't know if trisquel has images of the whole repository, too.
On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 11:44:55PM +0100, name at domain wrote:
> In the case of a disconnected pc I recommend the Debian operating
> system with only free repositories enabled because this way you can
> download all the debian dvds which contains their whole repository
in fact, even debian doesn't "really" use DVDs for the entire repo anymore (it is possible using jigdo somehow). it was viewed as a waste of space.
> I don't know if trisquel has images of the whole repository, too.
trisquel doesn't offer anything similar.
Instead of dpkg, you can install gdebi, a GUI based package installer. You will have to connect to a Trisquel repo once to install it, though.
Just install aptoncd.
Saludos libres,
Quiliro Ordóñez
600 8579
Thank you for your anwsers.
sudo dpkg -i works fine. Thank you, quantumgravity.
You want to install apt-offline. It is the most convenient way to administrate an offline system.
You would first have to:
- Download apt-offline's package from one of Toutatis' mirrors:
- Bring it to the offline system
- Install it with 'dpkg -i' or, if GDebi was installed on your system, by double clicking on the .deb package.
Here is a documentation on the use of apt-offline:
The first package you may want to install with the apt-offline command is "apt-offline-gui"... so that you do not have to use the command line anymore.
Great, with this information I made a wiki page. Please, check it and correct it or add something to it :D
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