Jami and Jitsi unreliable for video calls
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Hello again!
Over the last two weeks, both jami and jitsi have proven to be not as reliable as in the beginning. I feel dissatisfied because videos tend to freeze once every few minutes and sound quality is very variable (from excellent to barely understandable). This is true both for jami and jitsi.
How can I find out if I can change anything about it? The problems persist even using a LAN cable connection to the router so I subspect it has got something to do with bandwidth or the jami/jitsi servers.
Does anybody else encounter similar problems with jami/jitsi? Is a bandwidth of 10 Mb/s upstream sufficient for VoIP calls?
Or have I set my expectations too high?
Thanks in advance!
Just recently I encountered Mumble VoIP because I saw the last feature
"[...]Mumble will use 10-40 kbit/s outgoing, and the same incoming for
each user. So if there are 10 other users on the server with you, your
incoming bandwidth requirement will be 100-400 kbit/s if they all talk
at the same time[...]" you can read here
https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble. I suggest you to test Mumble
Thanks for your help and advice. I also like to support free software, but it needs to be practical as well. As regards my relations I use the software with, we have recently stopped using it because it wasn't possible to have a relaxed chat. There were too many disruptions, both in Jami and Jitsi meet. We might try mumble, but it might take a couple of weeks because of holidays. I'll keep you up to date anyway. Thanks again.
Thank you for your comments about your experiences. Especially yours, boba, reflect mine. I've done some independent research using the resources provided by the German 'Commissioners for Data Protection and Freedom of Information' which is a government-funded institution. (Links, unfortunately are German only: https://www.youngdata.de/whatsapp-skype-co/skype/ or https://www.ldi.nrw.de/) It led me to inquire about Wire and I think this is the next service I'm going to try -- probably complemented by a Threema-Account as soon as I've got a smartphone.
Here is an update. I've been using the wire App through my webbrowser (Abrowser) with success for over a month now: app.wire.com It has proved to be reliable and of sufficient sound and video quality.
Jami failed me today :/
I previously successfully used it 2 times to hand homework but had problems doing a video talk with my sister.
Today I wanted to try again and talk with sister and her kids and Jami failed to even make a call. It just kept showing "Searching" text for like a minute and then there was a missed outgoing call. Also seems like sister didn't see messages nor calls from me. At the end she was angry with me, that "I am not responding and not calling". As my family completely don't care about software freedom, it might be difficult to get them into trying another tool in the future. Also, my mom saw this and mocked me and free software because of Jami's failure :(
Yet another situation, that reminds me of that "Free software is pathetic" Hitler rant (Downfall parody) :/
6.5.2020 10:39, name at domain пишет:
> Yet another situation, that reminds me of that "Free software is
> pathetic" Hitler rant (Downfall parody) :/
Caleb Herbert
(816) 892-9669
Have to say "out of the lab" in the real world Jami sadly is unusable. I did manage to send some photos and a few messages from my mobile linked to my desktop account but since then it was all bad news;
I came home from the my trip out to find my father had installed jami on his phone and added me as a contact - I found a ton of missed calls and messages on my desktop but nothing on my phone.
Sending messages whilst I was out this morning I do have a linked device is "odd" your outgoing text messages appear on both phone and desktop, incoming messages to the chat only appear on the device you are typing messages on.
I typed messages to a contact whilst I was out this morning, I don't know if they even got there as I just got the circle of dots as if it was trying. Sending a pic got "Failed to send" straight away. Even now 45 minute later I still got the circling dots on the message.
All of this and the contacts are still showing as online.
Finally, the desktop interface for jami on Trisquel mini is shocking! Definably designed by an engineer and a different UI!
A great idea and I can only assume it relies on many more active nodes on the Internet to make the network reliable. Maybe they should deploy a ton of ghost nodes around the world to make jami work reliably, decommissioning them if/when take up is achieved.
As M/S managed to kill my skype account due to repeated "suspicious activity" on my account, suspected by pidgin with skypeweb plugin. I remember RS promoting XMPP protocol based clients, I understand although not decentralised more reliable. More research for today.
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