Libdvd-pkg Trisquel 8
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I can’t find libdvd-pkg in the repository to install libdvdcss and stuff for watching DVD movies. Is there a compelling reason for that omission? I know it could be illegal in the USA.
"I can’t find libdvd-pkg"
I assume you mean libdvdread4, and not libdvd-pkg. Because libdvdread4 does exist.
Trisquel has never provided libdvdcss itself. There is an easy way to install it though because the VideoLAN people have their own repo:
And, once set up, you can install the package. Ta Da.
"...assume you mean libdvdread4..."
No, I mean libdvd-pkg. That's the latest way to get the libdvdcss and other stuff. It's been that way since Ubuntu 15.10 I guess. There must be a good reason it's not included on T8.
It's an installer. It takes care of the rest. Easy as pie.

I'd much rather use the APT repository to install it from. Then I'll get updates.
The installer asks if the user wants to get automated updates. I guess it won’t work if manually installed. But the bigger question that boggles my mind: why not include this package in Trisquel? Unfree or encumbered?
Because of the unclear law status in some countries. For example in germany it is not forbidden but also not 100% legal because there is no judicial decision yet. So if a court will do this in the future and claim, that the libraries are ilegal to use, because of copyright, trisquel 8 would be illegal too. So it is better to not include this inside of the system. It is easy to install and by the way "libdvd-pkg" is rather same than the vlc repository only another source.
> Because of the unclear law status in some countries.
Can such FOSS packages be put in an external repository immune to US and EU regulations? E.g. a closer cooperation between Trisquel and Uruk could be beneficial in this regard for both parties. Uruk and Trisquel can make use of each other's repositories.
This strategy had been successfully employed in the past, when export of certain cypto packages were forbidden by the US government - affected packages were simply served from non-US based repositories.
Package libdvd-pkg does not contain any libraries. It's an installer that uses wget to download the source code, then compiles the source code. It uses Videolan's repositories. It makes the process somewhat easier as there is no need to add any third party repositories.
In Trisquel 7, one just has to execute the following command in a terminal:
$ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/
If that Shell script still exists in Trisquel 8, it probably still works.
Unfortunately, it doesn't.
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