Libre alternative to skype

44 réponses [Dernière contribution]
Lara Tris
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A rejoint: 12/25/2014

That is also easy to use and easy to install on Windows.

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A rejoint: 05/13/2010
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A rejoint: 08/11/2014

I myself use Linphone and Firefox Hello- they're both fantastic and Free Software. (Firefox Hello comes with Firefox, but works with any other modern web-browser as long as one of the users has Abrowser.)


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A rejoint: 09/19/2011

How do I get Firefox Hello? Am using abrowser 34 in Trisquel 7, and do not see it in the addons manager.

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A rejoint: 05/30/2012

It's from an icon in the toolbar or menu. If it's not there (it wasn't for me), you need to add it with the "customize" screen.


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A rejoint: 09/19/2011

My abrowser does not have a Customize screen. Do you mean about:config?

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A rejoint: 05/30/2012

No, in the menu, there's a special (fixed) item called "Customize". This is an interface for adjusting what's in the toolbar and menu. I don't know if it's accessible or not.


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A rejoint: 09/19/2011

This customization ui seems to be invisible to screen readers (Windows and GNU/Linux).

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A rejoint: 02/19/2015

I thought FireFix Hello was some weird proprietary service. Idk

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A rejoint: 05/30/2012

It's based on libre software (the client, at least; I don't know about the server, think it might be centralized somewhere), though I wouldn't personally recommend propagating it much because it uses JavaScript, and JavaScript is problematic because no modern browser has any mechanism to properly control JavaScript programs requested by Web pages. See:

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A rejoint: 01/18/2012

There are plenty of free VoIP software, however, the most complete Skype (client) replacement, and the only one that works reliably, is called Jitsi. Let me know if you encounter any problem with its use.

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A rejoint: 08/11/2014

Wow. Looks like I'm switching from Linphone to Jitsi- it looks amazing in comparison.


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A rejoint: 09/19/2011

I find the jitsi desktop client completely inaccessible with orca screen reader, and cannot sign up for the xmpp option on jit-si; it has a recaptcha thing I cannot solve.

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A rejoint: 01/18/2012

This is unfortunately not something I can help you with. You should try and ask the Jitsi developers instead.

davidnotcoulthard (non vérifié)

Firefox Hello, Ekiga.

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A rejoint: 03/08/2014

Written in Java.

Intended for gaming (features an overlay).

Quite promising, features several clients.


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A rejoint: 09/19/2011

Mumble is fine for conferences and gaming, but I wouldn't consider it a "skype replacement".

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A rejoint: 11/07/2009

"Ekiga" and "Twinkle"?

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A rejoint: 01/18/2014

for me I use Linphone
its work on many systems and phones
I try Jitsi
but I find it completely inaccessible with orca screen reader

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A rejoint: 01/09/2013

Firefox hello

Firefox Hello lets you make free video and voice calls directly from the browser. All you need are a microphone, a webcam (optional), and the latest version of Firefox to call friends who are on WebRTC-supported browsers like Firefox, Chrome, or Opera.

Jitsi Voice Call

Jitsi lets you communicate with friends and contacts across the Internet. Jitsi prevents eavesdropping by automatically encrypting your conversation for the full duration of its trip across the Internet (“end-to-end encryption”). This means that even your voice calling service (Google, Facebook,, etc.) cannot listen to the contents of your call. For full details see “Limits of end-to-end encryption” below.

They are great, but when you need to get out of your internet network to dial physical landlines or cellphone it does not support it. Either you end up paying for it or no grease talk at all. That is what separates the BIG BOYS from Skype FROM THE REST,,,


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A rejoint: 07/24/2013

Dave. Click the open menu button with the 3 horizontal lines.
At the bottom left of the menu is the customise button.
Firefox Hello is a grey smiley face in a speech bubble.
After you've dragged it to your tool bar click exit customise. Bottom left again.

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A rejoint: 05/30/2012

He's blind, so he doesn't see the icons.

I found out how to get to it from the traditional menu bar (View->Toolbars->Customize). Not sure if it's accessible, though.


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A rejoint: 09/19/2011

I found and opened 'menu->view->toolbars->customize"; thanks! Once I opened the Customize ui, I found nothing but a 'learn more' link, using Orca's normal reading keys for the web browser. Using Orca's "flat review" and mouse emulation, I could find and right-click on "hello". From the context menu, I chose the 'add to menu' option, but cannot find a Hello option on any of the browser's menus.


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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

now i need to try hello!

jitsi + ostel = fully and truly encrypted voip

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A rejoint: 10/29/2014

I apologize for the late reply, I hope you may still find this post useful.

I'm currently using Pidgin and Jabber, so far it has worked out very well! File transfers are quite slow, however video and audio chatting works, although you do need to enable it: However, you might not need to install any packages on your computer, try enabling the "Configure audio/video" plugin first (Tools > Plugins) to see if it works.

Any one of the servers on this list will do as long as it supports Multi-User Chat: (Edit: If one of your Jabber contacts is on another server, you can add him/her to your contacts list without having to create a secondary account on that server, I've done that and it works.) Or you can use Jitsi's Jabber servers with Pidgin, however in chat rooms, you cannot initiate group file transfers, audio, or video calls. File transfers do run quite slow (about 10KB/s), however if you're patient, you can transfer a small 5MB file in about 5 minutes.

I wouldn't suggest using Jitsi as a Jabber client even though others have suggested using it because it runs under Java, and I have a few friends (one of which I used to go to school with) who have reported it slows down their computers. Pidgin, on the other hand, runs natively so it doesn't slow you down as much, and it also comes preinstalled on Trisquel, and it also has a Windows version available for your friends who don't use the GNU Operating System.

Last year in November marked one year since I stopped using Skype and deleted my account in 2013, and I have not once felt the urge to reinstall it on my computer. A few of the people on my contacts list at first hesitated to switch to Jabber with me, however once they switched over, they actually liked it!

And what was the reason I switched away from Skype? Just part of my indefinite boycott of the Microsoft monopoly.


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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

tried firefox hello today.
very disappointing. video is slow and audio lags and stutters and mutes all the time

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A rejoint: 01/06/2013

Maybe that's why it's not included in Firefox ESR and in IceCat by extension.

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A rejoint: 12/24/2014

I use Tox.
The entire point of it's creation is to be a libre, peer to peer, decentralized, replacement for Skype.


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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

tried tox like a month ago - didn't work either :(
now i want to try the "alonsogonzales method" !!

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A rejoint: 01/18/2014

try lin phone


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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

never tried that one. will do


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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

tried linphone and it doesn't work good - no video at all and audio stutters and breaks :(
I'm starting to think that it is this "new" little boxie of mine the actual problem..
ekiga firefox hello linphone and tox - nothing works except from jitsi (at least it did the last time I checked)


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A rejoint: 09/19/2011

I have an account on sip:name at domain; for sip, I can use linphonecd in the terminal, but rarely launch it, since I have no contacts.


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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

did anybody here try sflphone?

I did an aptitude search but I see only

and no sflphone-gnome-video that is the gnome client with video support while sflphone-gnome is audio only..
Why is that?

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A rejoint: 06/17/2015

Hello Firefox :-)

Well, I wonder about Mozilla using Telefonika. What kind of data retention does Telefonika make?

@Heather The good thing about Hello FF (am aware it's in fact "FF Hello") is that you don't need to register. Yet in this case, you need to send a URL to your friend (or aged father) so they can communicate with you. I haven't tried Hello FF because of possible privacy issues but I've been told it works like a charm. It's the best choice to free non-techie people from Skype in a tick.

Pidgin seems the best choice as it supports OTR and both text and video.
Ekiga is great but is a bit temperamental, according to users.


davidnotcoulthard (non vérifié)

Ekiga does it for me.

(P.S. Ekiga, SFLphone, and Jitsi are all clients for SIP, much the same way that Thunderbird, Evolution, and K-9 Mail are all E-Mail clients, so Ekiga, SFLphone, and Jitsi all use the same kind of account)

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A rejoint: 12/24/2014

How do I GET to Firefox Hello in Abrowser? There is no icon for it in the customize section.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

Type "about:config" in the address bar and toggle "loop.enabled" to "true".

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A rejoint: 12/24/2014

This did not work.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

Did you look into the "Customize" tab afterwards?


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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

Enter "customize" option.

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A rejoint: 12/24/2014

I said it is not in there.