Method for converting masses of photos?

6 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 09/01/2011

Does anyone know an easy way to convert lots of jpegs to png? I've been doing one by one in GIMP, but it's very tedious and time consuming.

I would like it so i can convert all the files of a folder.



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A rejoint: 02/25/2010

There's a suite of command-line image processing tools that does exactly what you're looking for. It's called ImageMagick, and I'm pretty sure it's installed by default in Trisquel.

Open a terminal, go into the folder with the JPEGs, and run the command 'mogrify -format png *.jpg' without the quotes. Also, replace *.jpg with *.jpeg or *.JPG, or whatever the actual extension is.

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A rejoint: 10/10/2011

for file in *.jpg; do convert $file ${file/jpg/png} done

I do this all the time. You need to install ImageMagick:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick


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A rejoint: 09/01/2011

wow, that surprised me!

is there a way to get multiple, or a folder of jpegs to convert to png at the same time?

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A rejoint: 09/01/2011

Sweet! Jusst found a solution. if i right click and enter mogrify -format png *.jpg as a custom application it works. Then the next time, all i need to do is right click and select the option. highlight a bunch of images and then selecting the option converts them all!

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A rejoint: 09/14/2011

You can also use a simple GUI tool called Phatch (Photo Batch Processor) to do mass conversions/edits to images.

sudo aptitude install phatch

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A rejoint: 09/14/2011

You can also use a GUI tool called PHATCH to do mass conversions/edits to

sudo aptitude install phatch