My beautiful Trisquel - youtube have webm problems
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This is my Trisquel-mini customization.
I uploaded the webm screen recording file on youtube but I don't see any webm file, only mp4,3gp and flv. What is the problem? Why doesn't youtube show webm version which I uploaded?
Unplug shows the WebM file.
Yes, now it shows. :)
I don't know, but it comes up automatically in the html5 player; maybe
that's due to me being in the "trial"? Great music, btw; Hahaha.
hum.... I am not sure, but I think youtube will only give access to the webm file if you access through html5 player.
If you use viewtube script you can actually download and watch webm file.
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Also the Javascript that runs YouTube's default HTML5 player is non-free. You should run ViewTube even if YouTube's HTML5 works because it lets you use free JavaScript instead of YouTube's proprietary code.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Just be careful, while viewtube works great, you must be careful if you are using some anonymity software, because it might expose you. Tor for example won't even run viewtube, it prevents the browser from loading external plugins, to make sure you don't lose anonymity.
f you are comfortable with a non private video watching session, viewtube is the way to go, but native html5 is still more smooth than viewtube.
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You make a good point about plugins subverting anonymity solutions, but ViewTube does also include the option to use a HTML5 player that has free JavaScript, so no plugins required if the video is in a format your browser supports natively (like webm, theora or 3gp if using Abrowser).
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Yes, you are right.
However, I am not sure if viewtube loads some external plugin automatically (before you chose another option, like HTML5). Also, adding addons to a browser like Tor Browser, makes it easier to identify you.
I was just talking in terms of security and privacy, as for the javascritp being free or not, I am currently unware of the reason why it is not free (a matter of license, or is the code actually obfuscated?)
If the code was obfuscated and the viewtube could actually be used as an alternative, it could actually be better in terms of private video watching.
Anyway, viewtube won't work with Tor Browser because it will block the other plugins from being loaded, so it might be a viable option =)
Maybe even one to think of in TAILS.
Do you have any thoughts on this, I am interested in knowing more about these issues. THANKS
- a picture:
I have to congratulate you for your video, it shows some of the Trisquel tools like the Abrowser with some free as in freedom Add-ons. It shoul be more videos like this.
Thank you.
you can put your trisquel screencast also on youtube :)
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