Need Guidance.

18 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 06/14/2018

I am new to the FSF movement and installed Trisquel as my main os. But I use multi browsers to accomplish tasks: /browsing/banking/email. I use abrowser as my main because it came with trisquel. But then I added icecat and firefox. I really have trouble with abrowser. I may have it locked down too hard, but it breaks half the sites I go to. But I have the sneaky suspicion firefox is NOT free software, and suspect the same for icecat. Any chance you can offer suggestions for additional browsers that are fsf and free? I'd like to have three instead of 1.

I love icecat and use it for my banking.
Thanks group. I am very much a noob so please forgive.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

Firefox and IceCat are free software... but websites distribute proprietary JavaScript. I believe you use the LibreJS extension (I believe it is enabled by default in IceCat) that blocks such JavaScript.

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A rejoint: 12/18/2017

Are Firefox browser totally free?

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

Firefox is free software but:

  • Its trademark license does not allow commercial redistribution (the name and the logo must be changed to do so);
  • It proposes to download proprietary software, including the Adobe DRM module;
  • The catalog of add-ons contains proprietary add-ons and the licenses are not clearly indicated;
  • (probably other issues I forget).
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A rejoint: 09/13/2010

"Firefox is free software"

(Insert wrong answer buzz sound here):

The FSF disagrees with you:

Fortunately people still have freedoms #1 and #3 and are able to make modified versions which restore freedom #2 and share those copies with others.

But the version -- as received from Mozilla -- doesn't come with freedom #2 by itself. Okay, so depending on how you count the 4 freedoms you could argue that either you miss freedom #2 entirely because you can't distribute exact copies commercially or that you get half of freedom #2 because you *can* distribute exact copies *non*-commercially. Either way you end up with 3 or 3.5 freedoms, depending on how you count it, and not all 4.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

That is my first point above. The FSF is right: it is an unacceptable restriction that makes Firefox nonfree. Sorry for writing that Firefox is free software. Changing its name and logo (as all derivatives do) turns it into free software though.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

A logo is not software though and to me as a user 'can't distribute exact copies **commercially**' doesn't mean much for I don't intend to 'distribute exact copies commercially'. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not being selfish, I agree it should be as libre as it gets, of course, that is 4.0 libre.

*Yeah...I use firecocks.. Still have to find an alternative that does not suck in some or another way. :/

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A rejoint: 09/13/2010

"A logo is not software though"
Right? No one's claiming that it is though but Mozilla's trademark policy goes so far that it applies actual distribution restrictions to the software (non-commercial distribution.) That's what raises the problem with freedom #2 (making *exact* copies.) It's almost like being under a non-commercial license but they get there a different way. Mozilla shouldn't be trying to restrict the distribution of software.

If you start compromising on the four freedoms on the basis that "I wasn't going to use that freedom anyway" where does it end?


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

>If you start compromising on the four freedoms on the basis that "I wasn't going to use that freedom anyway" where does it end?

You are correct. It's freedom only as it is freedom for everyone. I guess in this case I tend to be 'pragmatic' but I should probably be more 'firm' about it. Dangit, I should try again Icecat now.. Ahh, the autismo of losing 2 hr of my time to 'set it right' now. :D

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A rejoint: 12/18/2017

When it comes to banking and email I recommend the "Web" browser. It's in the repository and is called simply "Web".

In theory every browser that executes JS should work, but at least with my bank that is not the case.

I see that as a problem with the bank though, but... yeah, gotta pick your battles I suppose.

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A rejoint: 05/30/2012

For email, an email client is best. Try IceDove, it can usually configure accounts automatically.

I actually don't much like to do online banking. I usually use an ATM to check my balance and transfer money, and that's all I ever need to do.

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A rejoint: 09/13/2017

Qt small one is Trojita and GNOME small one is Balsa, independent GTK+ one is Claws-mail.

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A rejoint: 05/14/2015

> "For email, an email client is best."

At the risk of engaging in Stallmanesque levels of preciseness, webmail is a kind of email client, so I presume you mean a *desktop* email client. Fortunately the OP got the idea anyway :)

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A rejoint: 12/18/2017

I enjoyed this comment:)

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A rejoint: 06/14/2018

Is Epiphany the same as web? I downloaded web and it gave me a epiphany flatpack file (which I didn't know what to do with)But I did manage to get epiphany up and running. Is it totally free?

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A rejoint: 02/17/2016

It's Gnome Web, Gnome's official browser. Free as in freedom.

Package epiphany-browser

'sudo apt install epiphany-browser'

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A rejoint: 06/14/2018

Friends, I thank your for your help. I got icedove up and running, and at first it accepts my proton mail account. But then it complains that i entered the wrong password. Is there a manual configuration I'm missing?

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A rejoint: 06/14/2018

answered it- needs paid subscription.

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A rejoint: 05/14/2015

Welcome to the Trisquel community! One piece of guidance, when you create a thread in these forums it's a good idea to give it a more descriptive title, so it's more likely to attract the attention of the community members who can best answer your questions. In this case, your title could have been 'software freedom status of web browsers'. Pretty much every time someone creates a thread here it's because they need guidance ;)