Need help with GPG/Enigmail/Torbirdy

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A rejoint: 05/11/2018

For people having difficulties solving the Icedove - Enigmail - Thorbirdy combination and the only help they find is this unresolved post:

Now it seems that the torbirdy help page have more details and advices about difficulties of running torbirdy in Icedove (or Thunderbird).

Reading this five pages you can run Icedove - Enigmail - Thorbirdy without a problem even with your disgusting gmail account. (and excelent video)


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A rejoint: 07/07/2017

> Reading this five pages you can run Icedove - Enigmail - Thorbirdy without a
> problem even with your disgusting gmail account.

Back when I had a disgusting Gmail account, Google would lock my account for a few hours almost every time I accessed it using Torbirdy. Also, every time I used Icedove at all (without Torbirdy) from a new IP address it would refuse to let Icedove download my emails until I signed in through webmail and confirmed my location. Apparently Google's approach to "keeping your account secure" is to track you, and they won't allow you to use their anti-service unless your inform them when and where you travel.

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A rejoint: 10/05/2017

mason, would it be possible to know to which e-mail provider you switched from Gmail?

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A rejoint: 09/13/2017, thanks to for providing free (as in freedom), decentralized, hardened mail service. :)
Gmail is also blocked outside Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre, for this you’d like to consult from CalmStorm here, which he’s the most active most generous donor for Hyperbola project. :)


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A rejoint: 07/07/2017

I currently use the host of my website, but eventually plan to self-host and run my own mail server.

If you're looking for an alternative to Screwgle, seems like a good option. It's not gratis, but if you can afford the 1 Euro/month paying with money is better than paying with your privacy.

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A rejoint: 05/11/2018

> Apparently Google's approach to "keeping your account secure" is to track you, and they won't allow you to use their anti-service unless your inform them when and where you travel.

Yep, they are creepy and disgusting and their power is just too much, we have to difund the free software ideas in order to get a respectful world. Thanks for the comments.

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A rejoint: 09/13/2017

Adobe, Amazon, App1e, Canonical, Fuckbook, G00g1e, m$, Netflix, Uber, are the world’s most evil companies against software freedom ever.
I now use no services from all them but Fuckbook and G00g1e, just for legacy communications factor.
I also need Androids to mount DriveDroid to install Trisquel, but replaces with F-droid against nonfree G-apps.

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A rejoint: 04/23/2015

Google's list showing their support of open source:

I am disappointed with google's appropriation of free software with their position that they should give 'something' back. The idea of Torvald's Linux was that you give it 'all' back, after all, he gave it all to you.

But, at least they are giving back and since they are so huge, what they can give is an incredible amount. Maybe it will all work out for the goo... uh, good.

Has any one tried using ciphermail?
They say 'Encrypt Gmail and any email with CipherMail' and is GNU General Public License, version 3.0.