New Trisquel 8 alpha images
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I have made some progress with the Flidas development images, which as
usual are available here:
The main improvements are:
- Installable through the graphical installer Ubiquity.
- Improved the GTK theme to get rid of its main issues. It is now based
on BlueMenta from Mate, with custom panel settings.
- Strengthened the signing cypher for the package repositories.
More updates coming soon!
The Netinstall for a console mode instalation it ready?
Is the final one?
Gracias Ruben!
That's great to hear!
If I install this, will I be able to apt-get upgrade to stable when it's released? Any downside to doing that versus installing stable from a fresh iso?
If you install Trisquel 8 alpha, you will have, through regular updates, Trisquel 8 stable once it is stable. The downside is that it currently is an alpha version: expect issues...
So, the first thing I usually do after installing Trisquel is apt-get install gnome-shell, but that doesn't seem to work in the new version.
Does anyone know how I can install Gnome 3 on Trisquel 8?
Just to clarify, below is the contents of my sources.list file. Is this correct? Haven't received any updates for a while.
# Trisquel repositories for supported software and updates
deb flidas main
deb-src flidas main
deb flidas-security main
deb-src flidas-security main
deb flidas-updates main
deb-src flidas-updates main
#deb flidas-backports main
#deb-src flidas-backports main
Is it possible to start in live mode at this stage? If it is possible I will download the iso.
Yes, of course! And you can install it into your hard drive.
How can install mintmenu. I like it very much. Another problem- installing cairo-dock showing depends problem.
Yes, there are a lot of programs missing.
MintMenu isn't in Ubuntu, so it isn't going to be in Trisquel. There's a variant called "MATE Menu", though; package is "mate-menu". I don't know if that's in Trisquel 8's repo yet.
Hello onpon4, I can confirm that mate-menu is available in Trisquel 8 repo. I am using it now.

So far at this stage the distribution is sweet! stable and fast
Thank you, Sir quidam.
It'd be great to be able to get Trisquel 8, its signature, and its md5 via an encrypted download option.
The security of the MD5 hash function is severely compromised...
Informative but depressing.
Nothing to be depressed over - Just don't use MD5. Other options exist that are safe (for now), in the form of SHA-2 and SHA-3: (I'm not recommending SHA-1 because it has potential issues.)
I like it, too; using it on two of my boxes. Having trouble getting it to detect and use USB wifi radio, that's perhaps, worth a call to Think Penguin.
I tried to install it but I forgot the password.
Can I upgrade from older 8.0 to newer 8.0 without reinstall?
You can change the password!
That way you can recover your account.
As you can see, it is really simple to gain Root access to a PC if you have physical access to it. This is the reason why you should always encrypt your hard drive.
>As you can see, it is really simple to gain Root access to a PC if you have physical access to it. This is the reason why you should always encrypt your hard drive.
Not only that but also "persistence", that is malicious firmware surviving OS reinstallation, that is "the worst nightmare you ever had". But then again you would need to attract a lot of attention and be of some interest for an attacker of that kind to spend (little) time and (little) money to persistently root you, I guess, meh.
But the owner would know about the intrusion, since the password (most likely) would be different, right?
Edit: This was a comment to Albertoefg's above
I'm wondering if working with Ubuntu MATE ( would be less work than with vanilla Ubuntu.
Trisquel works with the packages in *buntu's repositories, not with a specific edition of the distribution.
yes, but since trisquel 8 will have mate as its desktop environment, I was thinking if working with ubuntu mate makes life easier for us.
I don't understand. Trisquel draws its packages from Ubuntu's repositories.
You're saying there's another package repository with ready-to-use MATE that bypasses some work undertaken?
Or, you suggest a closer bond and greater collaboration between MATE developers and Trisquel project?
In my case use *linux-libre of *jxself inside my *trisquel 8 '*flidas' . It works me quite well with the desks : Mate , enlightenment17 , plasma , i3-wm and awesome
How can download .deb package of belons manually?
¿Cuando se libera Trisquel 8? ¿Cuando llegara la version definitiva de Trisquel 8?
I just want to mention that I have tried to install
(version uploaded today morning)
[ ] trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso 2017-06-18 07:53 1.4G
but it crashes at the end of installation when removing stuff.
In the ticket, I noted that the drivers for the the TPE-N150USB are missing.
Here are the issues that I have with the said driver.
Does somebody has the same ?
Note that WLAN works perfectly.
Ad-Hoc mode:
-WEP doesn't work.
-Can't use the security WPA or WPA2.
-The provider of the ad-hoc mode can be either a trisquel 7, trisquel 8 and mixed it doesn't work.
Basically I tried this:
Provider -> receptor
Trisquel 7 -> Trisquel 8
Doesn't work
Trisquel 8 -> Trisquel 7
Doesn't work
Trisquel 8 -> Trisquel 8
Doesn't work
Trisquel 7 -> Trisquel 7
On both PCs the usb adapter used was a TPE-N150USB from think-penguin.
I wish you all a good day.
Wow! I'm now seeing new iso just updated on 19th June i.e 3 days ago!
How far is it from release?
Dear Trisquel users,
I would like to try the alpha version of Trisquel 8, but I have failed in creating a bootable usb
I have downloaded the file trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso, checked the md5sum, and I have tried
to move it to a usb stick by using gnome-disk-utility version 3.12.1, installed on the latest
version of Debian. I selected my usb stick, chose restore Disk image, and then I selected the iso
file. Unfortunately, this did not yield a bootable usb stick. I tried to boot from it, but that did
not work.
Could you give me some advice?
Best regards,
Use dd.
sudo dd if=/path/to/image.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=8M;sync
You might be better off using the dd command (but please read the warning below first!). Open a terminal, type 'dd if=/path/to/ISO of=/dev/sdX' (/path/to/ISO is the file path of the ISO, and /dev/sdX is the USB device found in little grey letters in the title bar of GNOME disks when you have the USB selected). Then press enter, wait for the prompt to return, and you should be done!
*WARNING*: Make 100% sure you have the right USB file before copying. If you get it wrong, you could end up overwriting the start of your hard drive or some other thing, which will not be fun at all. If you have any doubts, double check here: I can assure you dd'ing to the wrong device makes permanently deleting the wrong file seem tiny in comparison.
Hi! Sometimes and on some older hardware especially (I have one such laptop, 2004 stuff) USB boot just won't work :/
In these rare occasions the best is to burn a DVD and install it from there.
If for some reason.. no dvd.. then 'dd' is indeed IMHO the fastest and most reliable way (never failed me) to create a bootable ISO on the sticky.
Also make sure to go into your BIOS and set the USB drive as the first one in the menu, that is the one from which the OS is to be booted.
Dear Trisquel users,
Thank you all for your help. Unfortunately, I have once more failed in creating a bootable
usb stick. I used the dd command, and I think I did it correctly, but I still could not boot
the usb stick.
To check whether I had used the dd command correctly, I downloaded a iso file from Debian and
tried to use the dd command to create a bootable usb stick. This worked fine. The file I
downloaded was debian-live-9.0.1-amd64-xfce.iso.
I do not know why the dd command works with debian-live-9.0.1-amd64-xfce.iso, but not with
trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso. Are there additional things I should do to create a bootable usb stick
with Trisquel? Could there be something wrong with my computer?
Best regards,
>Could there be something wrong with my computer?
What computer and **how new** ?
The computer I use is from 2010. It runs Debian 8 at the moment, but I would really like the run Trisquel. Recently I bought
a new computer from ThinkPenguin that may be compatible with Trisquel 8.
As loldier has witnessed the problem as well, could there be something wrong with the Trisquel iso image?
I asked you because sometimes the hardware can be too new for some kernels, so it would work on a recent distro like deb9 but not on an older one like say buguntu 16.04.
It's most certainly the ISO then, see below lodier's comment, which is basically what I advised you above - try burning a dvd of it.
Thank you for your help. Unfortunately, my Laptop does not have a dvd drive.
I could buy an external dvd drive. Would that enable me to boot from a dvd?
It would be more convenient for me to boot Trisquel from a usb stick. Will
this be possible with future versions of the Trisquel 8 iso?
I have had the same issue a number of times. For me the solution has always been to re-do the process of creating a live usb-stick over and over again. Finally it worked. Sometimes a functional live usb-stick can suddenly turn useless. I have no idea why?
Just keep repeating that dd process.
An external USB DVD drive is the solution if you don't have a laptop that comes with one. Better still, get a Bluray drive.
I'm another who cannot get the Trisquel 8 live iso, dated June 19, to boot on any of three computers, all having legacy bios booting. I had done, as I always do with iso, the 'dd' command, as root, putting the image onto a flash drive. The Trisquel 8 images from January or April boot as expected. I won't consider testing on my UEFI machine.
It is 2.1 gb. Is it stable? If not I am satisfied with Uruk.
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