Ongoing issues with one of the Trisquel servers

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A rejoint: 08/02/2008


We're having some issues with one of the servers that host some of the Trisquel project's infrastructures. As some of you have noticed, it's not currently possible to access, our Jenkins/gitlab instance and some other development stuff.

We're working to restore these services as soon as possible but what we expected to take just some hours of downtime is getting more complicated and we're sorry we can't give an ETA yet.

Since we had been intending for some time to renew several infrastructures to provide a better environment to the project, we're also working on that plan.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for all your help, we'll make sure to make you all proud of being a part of the project in the near future.


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A rejoint: 08/02/2008

I've posted an equivalent message at the Spanish forum, but I'd greatly appreciate if some of you bilingual folks could post a translation at the other ones to keep their users on the loop. Thanks in advance!

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A rejoint: 03/26/2011

Hello david.
I want to install Trisquel 8 in my new HDD, is possible to upload the iso in another server? I tried install Trisquel 7 and ran dist-upgrade but failed.

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A rejoint: 08/29/2017

@david thank you very much for the information and good luck with the operations.


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A rejoint: 08/02/2008

Thanks all for your patience, the server issue was solved last week, services were reinstalled and everything seems to be working properly again.

Both the Gitlab instance at and the home of the Trisquel in-development images (which I know some of you missed ) at are back. The Spanish package mirror is available as well.

Sorry again for the inconvenience!


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I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 08/02/2008

It would be amazing if some kind spirit updated the threads at the other language forums that you so helpfully created :)