
2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 09/25/2018


I installed Trisquel mini 32-bit on old HP terminal but there is a problem. In place when I used monitor there is no network and in palce where terminal will be placed there is no monitor !

How can i install openssh-server on this system without using network ? Or vnc ? or anyway to connect to this box throught the local tcp network

I need it as a replacement of Ubuntu server as they dropped 32-bit systems. I'm not experienced linux admin :-(

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/25/2018

Ok, solved issue by preparind automated script which installed openssh-server on rc.local

Please consider adding and option to install any monitoring software like openssh-server or vnc server or ANYTHING as an option WITHOUT using network ! I know automatically installing openssh server can be viewed as potential security risk but doing it as option in ALL Trisquel variations will extend its usage.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010