Problems logging in to Live Image of the FSF version of Trisquel 6.0 32bit
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In relation to this particular image below:
trisquel_6.0-20121201-fsf_i686.iso 01-Dec-2012 10:48 1.5G
Available at:
I booted the specified live image(usb) of Trisquel above and was unable to get past the login screen. I first selected 'Login' without typing any username or password into the login fields and it loaded forever until I pressed 'Esc' so I was stuck at the login screen.
Just want to know:
1. Is there anyone else experiencing this issue? (If so, any solution?)
2. Is there a default username/password for this particular image of Trisquel?
My workaround was to use this image instead (Also availble at the link above):
trisquel_6.0-20121201_i686.iso 01-Dec-2012 10:23 702M
But my workaround still doesn't solve the issue I experienced with the first image I tried.
Any solution would be Much appreciated!
hmm if I recall correctly I think that version is being discontinued. Apparently only the Free Software Foundation uses it.
Ah I see! Thank you Chris!
This should be known before people download the FSF version as it's much more time consuming to download with a slow internet connection compared to the non-FSF version of the image. I was very frustrated to discover I couldn't log in after all that time :-P
If it's been discontinued as you say, then the image should be taken down before other poor souls get fooled like me :-D
Although in saying all that, I did read in another topic called 'trisquel 6', someone called 'andrew' stated that the FSF version of the image is the image that is distributed during Free Software Campaigns. If this is the case, then it still doesn't explain why I wasn't able to login to the live desktop.
If anyone else knows anything, be sure to share.
Well ,
Start Trisquel with option 1 (Try Trisquel without installing) and one of the options under ' F6 Other Options'.
For me on an old HP with an ATI gpu 'nomodeset' did it. On a machine with Intel on board there were no problems.
:) well, it was mostly mumbling by the lead developer Rubén. There are a number of fixes that need to be made and unfortunately things are progressing very slowly at the moment.
The Trisquel 5 release(s) for instance should really not be prominently displayed either because it is also lacking security updates. The 4 release though is still maintained though so that is OK if it works for you to use. Although that won't be a good release for much longer either.
If you can consider contributing to the project. There isn't enough to financially keep things moving forward quickly. The lead developer has other obligations and more contributors would help to (eventually) relieve this burden. Having a developer able to work on the distribution full time would really moves things forward much faster.
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