replicant non-free wifi firmware
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i assume i can ask this here as its in the troll hole
my parents are considering replicant as a replacement for there iphones
but they only will if i include the non-free wifi firmware
as replicant with non-free bootloader and wifi-firmware
is much much better than a iphone
dose anyone know how to install replicant on a Samsung galaxy s/s2/s3 with the non-free wifi firmware?
Would it be better to ask at the Replicant forums? I don't know if they are allowed to help someone install proprietary software, though.
Downvote me if you wish for implicitly recommending proprietary software... I don't give a GNU!
I don't see any reason why the Trisquel Community Guidelines wouldn't apply on the Troll Hole. Especially:
"Our community's resources --the forum, documentation, etc-- are for free software only. Please do not distribute, recommend, or support non-free software here."
Since that's the whole point of the distribution.
replicant also have a policy of not recommending non-free software(although i see this as fighting it as its coming from a all non-free system)
dose anyone know another place were i could ask this question?
I am against any proprietary software. And this means I am aginst using it personally and also when others people use it but as I find you need help I can tell you search on the net - I spent 30 seconds to bump into that link. See if it works. If not search some other links.
ciao cat!
Unfortunatly few devices are supported and not Iphones
Missing Features as an example on a Samsung S3I93000 International
No WIFI & no Camera/Video or Pictures/Screenshots or the phone will Crrwash*
Personally i installed CyanogenMod First then ClockworkMod Recovery
and after that i just booted off the Replicant image from a SD card.
If you need WIFI you will have to use CyanogenMod....:(
* WARNING ! * remove Google analytics from Cyanogenmod as suggested ... ?t=2550769
Install F-droid(Libre Repositary)
& install
Orbot/orweb/polipo/orwall/AFWall+ ... epository/

"If you need WIFI" Get a laptop!
i am getting this for my parents that would not expect such a thing
and if i don’t get this for them then they get iphones :(
What kind of cut-throat attitude is that? "Get me a phone with wi-fi, or I'll get myself the phone which is simultaneously the most expensive and mistreats me the most"?
If your parents are so hell-bent on being mistreated, let them get what they want. Making it out like getting phones that treat them better is a favor to you just sends the wrong message, because you aren't the one affected. It's a favor to them to help them run software that respects their freedom. If they don't appreciate it, that's too bad, but bribing them isn't going to help in the long run.
"because you aren't the one affected."
i do not appreciate the potential monitoring of everything i say near them
there is no "potential"..
Right now, mass surveillance probably isn't a danger to you, personally, and bending over backwards for everyone you interact with isn't going to put an end to it. Your efforts would be better spent convincing people that avoiding use of proprietary software is a good idea, and that mass surveillance is bad.
Even people who believe proprietary software should be avoided, yet still use proprietary software for some reason, are more helpful in the long run than people who happen to use libre software because someone they know set them up with it, or because they happen to like the libre program on a practical level better than a proprietary program. The former group will take steps in the long run to make things better for everybody, while the latter group will switch over to a proprietary program at the drop of a hat for all kinds of reasons.
Less free alternatives exist are by far better the other 3 majors
with FirefoxOS but cheaper models such as the ZTE exist(poor rendering of web pages)
the latest Ubuntu phone at 169Euros(may be the least reliable sieng the critics on the net)
I've been thinking about getting the Revolution myself just so I can mess with Firefox OS.
I recently got myself a used ZTE Open C off Ebay for 40€ which was the common price there. So at least in terms of low prices this beats nearly all other choices.
and why a smartphone? you parents want play candycrush? what's wrong whit this beauty instead?
they want internet access in which case i recommended the openmoko with android but its apparently not "Glossy" enough
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