Revival of Triskel

34 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 09/23/2010

Yes, Triskel is coming back. I've been toying with the idea for the last one month. I've been using KDE for the last months and I'm in love with it. And I strongly feel that there ought to be a KDE based fully free distro, especially after using Trisquel and Trisquel Mini. So here we are, with the idea and a list of applications to be used. Since it will be fully based on QT/KDE SC, NO GTK+ apps will be included.I'm also planning to make a welcome application that will allow some first-run configuration and will include a feature tour kind of thing.
A suggested list of applications is as under:

File manager: dolphin(and Krusador, if needed)
Browser : Konquerer/Rekonq( need a vote on this one)
Office: OO.o with KDE integration/ KOffice (vote on this one too)
Image viewer : Gwenview(any other alternatives??)
Media Player: VLC
IRC :Konversation
Chat :Kopete
Mail :KMail
Network manager: wicd-kde(better than plasma networkmanager i think)
Archive manager: Ark
CD/DVD burning : K3B
PDF reader: Okular
Default theme engine: QTcurve

also including Nepomuk for semantic desktop, a custom Plasma theme, a custom icon theme, and a custom widget theme(Oxygen is way too common)

I request all community members to please give their suggestions for improvements and add/improve/remove package choices. Also we'll need people to help with packaging etc. Technical/Financial/Moral help will be wholeheartedly appeciated.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/27/2010

My main suggestion for every distro would be using pulseaudio, since it makes switching between different soundcards so easy and convenient. I'm using a double-sound setup myself and it's always been a problem to make certain applications switch their prefered output card in ALSA.

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A rejoint: 09/23/2010

well since pulseaudio is by default in Trisquel(and Ubuntu), we will surely stick to that for better upstream support.
Any other suggestions and help are welcome..:)

Jose Benito

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 02/20/2009

I vote for OO.o (Koffice, sadly, still very deficient, imho) and Konqueror, and I suggest Choqok for microbloging

go! go! go!


Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

well thats true, about Koffice. And Konquerer is surely better than Rekonq at the moment.
And I'll surely have a look a Choqok.. thanks for the suggesting.
And if you can and want to help in any way, you are most welcome, as we are in dire need of contributors(In fact I'm the only one till now)..

Jose Benito

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 02/20/2009

btw, i already adapted a logo

quidam likes it :) i hope you also likes

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A rejoint: 09/23/2010

Wow that looks awesome... and a lot KDEish too... we'll surely be having it as officialised.. :) :)


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 12/28/2009

I've never used KDE, so I may be a tad biased in favor GNOME, but I think we already have enough official variants of the main distro. Perhaps our team is too small to effectively test and write good documentation for any more?

I think this would work best as a community-maintained derivation of the main distro, similar to Trisquel Gamer. I wonder what Ruben thinks about that idea.

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A rejoint: 09/23/2010

I'm currently working on custom artwork for Triskel. I think i'll be porting the original icon theme to KDE. And also i'm working on a plasma theme to make it look similar to the GNOME version, but still unique. I'll soon post a screenshot.
All I need from the community is just support and votes for their favourite KDE/QT apps. Waiting for replies...


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 12/28/2009

I'm all for a community-maintained Triskel, as long as the project is kept well-updated and adequately bug-tested (which I would gladly help out with). I don't want to see it end up abandoned like Trisquel Gamer. But a KDE version of Trisquel is certainly a higher-priority project than a gaming version. Make sure you keep it under 700 MB so it fits on a CD.

Your suggestions for KDE/QT apps look good. Here are some other suggestions:

Feed reader: Akregator
Download manager: Kget
Music player: Amarok
Bittorrent client: Ktorrent
Office suite: Koffice
Webcam: Kamoso
Notes: KNotes
Backup: Keep
Image editing: Krita

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

Do you think Koffice will be better than LibreOffice with KDE integration. AFAIK LibreOffice does not need any gtk libraries and looks like a native app as well, and is famous.
I'll definitely look into Kamoso(I never found a decent webcam app for KDE).


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 12/28/2009

I had no idea that LibreOffice can integrate with KDE.

Both applications are similarly feature-rich, so maybe you should prefer the one that uses up less disk space?

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

Since Oo.o and LibreOffice are written in AWT, there are packages called and which let the widgets be drawn using the approriate toolkit. I'll compare the sizes and then choose the approriate one. Though I'm a little biased in the favour of LibreOffice..

I'm doing the icon theme right now, based on Trisquel icons and Hycons. See attached image..

Please suggest improvements. :)


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 12/28/2009

I think your look should resemble the main Trisquel, but still look different enough to be easily distinguished from it.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

oh the icons are pretty similar to the original ones, this screen is for showing icons only:). And the theme will be similar to the main Trisquel..

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

I've seen on the wiki that the icon theme for Trisquel will most probably be Faenza. Therefore i'll be using Faenza for KDE as the default icon theme... and probably a variation of this theme if Shiki blue is going to be used.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 12/28/2009

Where on the wiki did you read that the next icon theme will be Faenza?

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

it is suggested.. here:
maybe we should have a vote..:)


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 12/28/2009

Keep in mind that that design page isn't official.

If it does come to a vote, I definitely prefer the current icon theme over the suggested replacement.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

oh i'll keep that in mind.. thanks for pointing that out.. :)
and i'll make packages for both of them in case...

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

I've read the makedistro script just now, and it says u need roughly 6 gb of RAM to run. I dont have access to such a powerful machine(my laptop has 4 gigs though). I'm wondering if i should just chroot into a standard build iso and start customising. Though I've never use debootstrap before and I want to learn, it certainly sounds better if I do the chroot thing.
I'll finish Triskel packages within a day or two, including a desktop metapackage, a settings package, and an artwork package. They will be needed to be put into the repo if all agree, or else I'll make a ppa. Please suggest.


Jose Benito

I am a translator!

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 02/20/2009

Hey, what happened to Triskel, how's it going?

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

A beta testing iso will be available on 20th of this month. Though i dont know where i'll upload it.. :-!

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

I made an iso but it has some bugs.
--Grub fails to install.
--installer background is plain white, it should inherit the default wallpaper
--compositing isn't enabled by default, even if ur card supports it(this is an upstream bug, present in kubuntu also)
--setting the default kdm and ksplash themes doesn't work.(yes i've made both of them)
--unsigned triskel-* packages are present. this is because i made the packages locally, should be solved if these are accepted officially and are compiled on the server.
-- the iso is around 760 mb, it'll fit in a cd if i replace Oo.o with Koffice.

I'm trying to figure out how to solve the bootloader problem, all other bugs are not that major. Also i dont have access to a fast enough connection to upload the image somewhere(i'm on a GPRS connection). But I've made some metapackages that can be used to install a fully working and branded Triskel desktop using a netinstall disk. I'll talk to Ruben if these can be pushed into the repos..


I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 12/22/2004

> But I've made some metapackages that can be used to install a fully working
> and branded Triskel desktop using a netinstall disk. I'll talk to Ruben if
> these can be pushed into the repos..

That sounds great! Please send your packages to the development mailing list so I can review them an push them into the repo. If they are clean they should work with the make-iso scripts, so don't worry about the upload, we would compile the isos on the devel server.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

oh thats great.. :) actually i've used the trisquel-meta source for making the metapackages, and one package for custom artwork and default settings(this one needs some changes, the kdm theme is not getting set by default). should i send the source packages because if i do dpkg-buildpackage locally then i get a warning about "signing failed". Also i've been mailing all local user groups about Trisquel and Trisquel-KDE so i guess we'll get a bunch of testers.
And about the iso, it'll be great if it's built on the server. Thanks for the support. :)
I'll send them anytime later today..

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/24/2010

> should i send the source packages because if i do dpkg-buildpackage
> locally then i get a warning about "signing failed"

Don't worry, those should be compiled in the server too. For your
tests, use dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

Thanks for the support. I received your reply on the mailinglist, but i'm in another city and i dont have a good internet connection here(i'm not even able to open gmail, only a few websites open). I'm working on all the things you said and will send updated packages as soon as i reach home, probably on 10th of this month.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 03/04/2011

I haven't yet used Libre Office. But having used, and soon planning to try Libre Office as it is mainly a fork, I would say that I like it. I haven't used Koffice, but, I think my vote may still swing toward Libre for the following reason.

Libre Office has as far as I am aware more developers, and possible exposure that would be mutually shared. In other words, using it would likely get more attention for Trisquel, and also for Libre as well. Helping Libre is great, for reasons I hope are obvious. But by all means, it isn't a game changing reason for just disregarding any free software. But still something to consider. Is there any possible way to compress the files down by 60 megs more?

I like the idea of KDE, but haven't used it in a long time since when it was mucho buggy. Good idea/job! Oh, one last thing, how can I get the iso?

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

>Libre Office has as far as I am aware more developers, and possible exposure >that would be mutually shared. In other words, using it would likely get more >attention for Trisquel, and also for Libre as well. Helping Libre is great, for >reasons I hope are obvious. But by all means, it isn't a game changing reason >for just disregarding any free software. But still something to consider. Is >there any possible way to compress the files down by 60 megs more?

I'm looking up the Kubuntu package list and i think changing/removing something else will do the space thing..

>I like the idea of KDE, but haven't used it in a long time since when it was >mucho buggy. Good idea/job!

KDE SC 4.5 is way ahead of any other version(though 4.6 is out, but we have 4.5 in the repo). 4.5 is faster, less buggy and more usable than the older 4.x series. I haven't eally used 3.x much, so i cant comment on its usability.

>Oh, one last thing, how can I get the iso?
The iso is not ready, i'm working on the default-settings package. After that the iso will be compiled on the server. It'll be good if you help testing.:)

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 03/04/2011

Well, I have a partition for Debian let, I have 6 partitions, with half designated as a corresponding home. I have gNewSense and of course Trisquel as well already. But I will hold off on Debian or use a VM for now. Or, just get rid of gNewSense. It hasn't been a priority since I am loving Trisquel!

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

where is the "Like" button.. :D

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

Just to inform everyone that I've been stuck very badly in family stuff(mediacal problems) and i have every intention of working on trisquel-kde. I'll prepare an iso with latest updates and upload it somewhere soon. :)

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 01/05/2011

On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 08:48:42AM +0200, name at domain wrote:
> family stuff(mediacal problems)
Hope it's nothing serious.

> trisquel-kde. I'll prepare an iso with latest updates and upload it
> somewhere soon. :)
Good, thank you. I was using Trisquel with KDE also, but frankly speaking, my love to KDE
did not explode.

Happy hacking,

Pawel Szulczewski

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/23/2010

Thank you for your concern, but its under control now..:)
And yes, i'll make it soon, right now i'm learning ruby for my internship, but i can surely take out some time to go to the university n do a debootstrap... :)
