Right time to insist on your friends ditching Facebook and Skype for WebRTC!

4 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 12/25/2012

A moment I waited for, win-win situation for the families with members abroad! Yahoo! (=

PS: And guess what, yeah.. Opus for audio && VP8/9 for video.

1.| http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Chrome-and-Firefox-demonstrate-plug-in-free-video-chat-1797585.html

2.| https://hacks.mozilla.org/2013/02/hello-chrome-its-firefox-calling/

3.| http://blog.chromium.org/2013/02/hello-firefox-this-is-chrome-calling.html

And for those of you who still don't have a clue why we have not got out hands on libre build of Chromium.. one more source (pay attention while reading):

4.| http://worldofgnome.org/why-fedora-doesnt-ship-chrome-and-chromium/

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A rejoint: 05/15/2011

That article says that Fedora is currently working to resolve licensing issues with Chromium so they can be included. Hopefully the results can then be reused in other distributions. Ubuntu includes Chromium in their repositories and lately they have been more up to date since Chad Miller has been migrating them in from his https://launchpad.net/~cmiller/+archive/chromium-browser-stable-daily PPA into Ubuntu.

I've read this discussion earlier about Chromium and Trisquel still will not include it due to license disparities. Ideally they will be resolved soon so Abrowser/Firefox/Chrome/Chromium are all on the same page and we can get free software browsers that fully support WebRTC.

I think one of the Trisquel guys a year or so wanted to go through the Chromium licenses and document what was free or not. I think he got bored and that project got scraped.

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A rejoint: 04/19/2012

> I think one of the Trisquel guys a year or so wanted to go through the Chromium licenses and document what was free or not. I think he got bored and that project got scraped.

I might do it when I get time in the next few weeks/months. I did a quick check a few weeks ago (but not a proper one) and a lot of the "unknown license" files are headers files, files that only have 1-2 lines of code, or files that have a LICENSE file in that directory but no license header.

I'm not sure if Chromium has trademark restrictions like Mozilla does. Also, there are a few settings that I think would have to be changed. I know that I'm probably not the only person who doesn't want anything I enter in the omnibox going to Google.

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A rejoint: 04/19/2012
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A rejoint: 09/23/2010

I was he fuy who started out with this. I did document a whole lot but life happened(If you know what I mean).