Share Your Desktop! 3

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Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015
Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Trisquel 7 Mini + IceWm + RazorQt

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015



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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

heh, le versionne numerò tres ^^

Here, same old, only now the docky is no more plank but a simple normal Xfce panel

Screenshot - 08292016 - 05:48:45 PM.png Screenshot - 08292016 - 05:48:15 PM.png
Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Your nice homemade Numix Albedo ""White""

Yes, Black Maté is nice to use i enjoyed it for a while with Uruk 1.0..but soon missed XFCE/ LXDE/ RazorQt/ IceWM.
Weechat must be awesome to use..a bit steep hill nevertheless,
Your Japanese style zelda has some similitudes with Vincent van Gogh & the Hiroshige ""Estampes""
Japonaiserie (Van Gogh)


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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

>Your nice homemade Numix Albedo ""White""

hahaha :)
This is another one, it's "Greybird Consistency" :P

Notice that the color of the panels is exactly the same blue to give it the fake transparency, if you use another background it'll look like shit X_X

EDIT: the tar was updated because bugs.

Pièce jointeTaille
Greybird Consistency.tar.bz2 78.46 Ko
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A rejoint: 12/10/2013

Debian stretch (testing) with Plasma 5.

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Thanks for Marble ;-)

a trial with Trisquel Mini+ KDE Plasma ,the amount of graphical applications+ (configuration tools) is really impressive.The desktop is reactive and consumes just around 250mo.

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A rejoint: 12/10/2013

You should try Plasma 5 if you get the time. Also, you see in my screenshot that I was playing Enigma. I highly recommend it, a puzzle game where you move a marble around, with over a 1000 levels:

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

THNX! Enigma ,definitely will look into that cheers + Weechat

I really prefer XFCE ,LXDE ,RazorQt ,IceWm but i am really impressed (more than Gnome 3 or is 4 now ?)..

The rare experiences i had with KDE were quite rapidly disastrous 2 years ago ( i think i managed to nuke the botom panel or something like that..:)With just a tad bit more experience i realize that there is more to it and as root_vegetable says the emphasis is user experience.

Very Lightweight a bit obsolete but Tor Browser saves it..
gNewsense 4 Ucclia Gnome Iso + LXDE ....Only between 48 to 70mo RAM
less than Trisquel 7 Mini Openbox

2 between 48 and 70 RAM beats Trisquel.png
Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

No it is the real pre-release(ed)ISO (last year ..)Dec 2015

Don't know how i got hold of the ISO.

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A rejoint: 08/22/2016

I want a new Blag. I hope it doesn't die. I love the spirit of that project.

EDIT: I hope it gets resurrected. Maybe that's a better way to say it.

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Here's a Blag 16

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A rejoint: 05/07/2012

Sorry but, what is blag?

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

BLAG (Brixton Linux Action Group ) Linux and GNU, was a GNU/Linux Libre distribution based on Fedora.

The last stable release was 140000 spartakus (2011-05-04)

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

16 ====vx /"#;;= 2016

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015


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A rejoint: 01/09/2013

I will share my desktop, but first smell my underwear first...

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Trisquel 7 mini + FVWM-Crystal desktop

3a_Trisquel_7_mini_FVWM.png 7a_Trisquel_7_FVWM.png

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

sea, sea sea
si, si!

Screenshot - 09092016 - 09:22:55 PM.png
Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Oh i yes i can the sea
Si si si

ma ké si vede la mar nella lucce della note.....!ma dové éh la tua barca??


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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

la luce della notte cala nel porto ove la mia barca galleggia sicura.
cheers dawg :)

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Ma que bella barca!...bravo sei un vero marinaio ;-)

MaKéBellaBarca.png 2AA_Trisquel_7_mini_Xfce_MyPaint.png

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

hehe :)

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

looks like is looking for the man overboard...??? brilliant ((((__/°v°\__))))
Cheers Tramp ;-)

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Quite right,

IceWm does not get in the way ,i spent an hour or so clixcking in the window colour parametres...uuh without muxch progress in

on FVWM site some users screenshots come out with real nice configurations like this one here on wikipedia
( a bit like a Moebius cartoon)

Grimlock was a good example
Must be more to it ;-)

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A rejoint: 05/07/2012


Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Slow boat to China

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015
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A rejoint: 03/28/2015

And this is mine

Hope you like it :)

Schermata del 2016-10-15 15:07:37.png

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

Very much! That wallpaper is awesome, dude who made it must be a true artist! :P

P.S: please, don't shoot me..

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A rejoint: 03/28/2015

I don't remember where i found it and so i don't remember who is the artist. Are you?
P.S why should I shoot you? (perchè dovrei spararti? ^_^)
Anyway is really cool ;)


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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

Yes, I made that wallpaper.. :P

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Waf Waf....izz..very nice...


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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

that's what I call "clean and nice". +4223

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A rejoint: 03/28/2015

Blackbox is really awesome,Fast and light as hell :)

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Saddly no longer maintained,stays functionnal, more user friendly than Openbox; Window Maker (in the repo) is worth a try

Anonymous (non vérifié)

I used to use this when my main operating system was FreeBSD, thanks for reminding me about it.

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A rejoint: 06/26/2016

Trisquel 7 + XFCE with Numix Circle and Guake Terminal.

Screenshot - 10232016 - 12:55:49 AM.png Screenshot - 10232016 - 12:57:45 AM.png
Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

Trisquel 7 mini LXDE Xfce Openbox with tint2 panel & Nitrogen for Backgrounds & Thunar GNU Step games

Trisquel_7_mini_Openbox_tint2_Nitrogen_2016.png Trisquel_7_mini_Openbox_tint2_thunar_.png

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

xfce? yarrr! :)

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

wow!..looking nicer & nicer..each time, + the shark there...;-)

?.. How do get that all (3) in one screenshot or what software do you use
¿..I was intrigued by GoldenDictionnay and have installed it


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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

Tx mangy. True, same old but sugar added :P
I used gimp, you just create a new image, paste the 3 pics, align them and export, 2 min job..
I love goldendict, it is the best dictionary on GNU IMHO. Artha is very good too.

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

¡..;-)..ok, cheers, its that simple...i'll give it a try soon

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A rejoint: 05/22/2013

DE: MATE 1.14.1
GTK Theme: Mediterranean Darkest
Icon Theme: Numix Circle
System Font: Oxygen Sans
Terminal Font: Fantasque Sans Mono
Shell: fish
WM: Marco + Compton

sc1.png sc2.png
Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

lovely cats...;-)

Trisquel 7 mini LXDE with NumixN + Ubo icons

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A rejoint: 01/09/2013

I want to share my desktop!

The problem is that I will damage your nostrils and irritate your eyes with my digital fallacy about desktops..

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A rejoint: 05/13/2010

I'll just drop this here.

© David Revoy, CC-by-4.0

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A rejoint: 02/19/2017

Hey guys, I'm new. Just wanted to introduce myself and also share a guide I made. Nice desktops btw.

Screenshot1.png Screenshot2.png lv-guide.png

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

welcome to the Trisquillino Forum, danish!

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A rejoint: 02/19/2017

Thanks. Nice name. Are there 82 other Supertramp fans on this forum?