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![2019-09-30-075114_1920x1080_scrot.png 2019-09-30-075114_1920x1080_scrot.png](
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Yu-Gi-Oh <3 懐かしい!
Though the version I saw had invisible guns.
I really don't understand why some of you users here can watch such animated TV versions of those manga works. Firstly the quality of those animations (works from Weekly Jump) are usually just terrible. See Hayao Miyazaki's works, he does not allow such a slack expression in every corner of his works. In the first place, manga is something I enjoy artists' illustrations of quality. So basically only good illustrations feast my eyes. Even if an artist was already very good at drawing, they merely rarely can draw a great illustration. Those illustrations are almost miracles. Just great. E.g. When Naruto fought against Orochimaru, the fox gathered weird black balls inside his mouth. The sequence of illustration had a very strong impression. Somehow it was beyond normal drawings. I love such a time I can see a miracle. That is really exciting. Kishimoto drew the same expression later. It seemed that his skills were improved then than when he had drawn the black balls first time, but the second time, the expression seemed just cheap. I have seen Kishimoto's original picture. In the right page, Naruto is looking up at Sasuke, in the left page, Sasuke is looking down Naruto. The pictures were really great. But he loses passion after that. The routine.
Secondary, those animated series were generally made to fill the 30 minutes with unnecessary some things forcibly. So those are usually verbose. IMO One Piece is really boring. Oda has drawn some cool illustrations a long time ago though. Now that is a perfect example of routine. Only people who are unconscious slaves or Living Deads (they are living, so not Zombies) of routine works would prefer such a work. They must feel something similar from those verbose boring long run manga works. So I wonder why people like to watch such low quality animated TV series. It is understandable that kids watching them though.
Thirdly, the champion of the 2018 Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship or something is American. He seems to be an adult.
I actually like the look of monochrome analog Manga. I can tell if they made it digitally. I feel digital is too perfect and you should only use digital when analog is too expensive.
The think about Manga is I'm very tempted to just import it, but I would have a tough time reading it. But yeah even in "season zero" (of which was never imported to the west) the guy holding Anzu hostage didn't really catch on fire.
In the end, fluctuations of less than a thousandth of a millimeter are still completely straight lines in digital. It is a matter of resolution. The most shocking movie to date for me was Jurassic Park. I watched it at a cinema. It looked like a real dinosaur, though I did not run away from the cinema like the audiences of the Lumière brothers. But digital is far from too perfect. This is related to all other computer graphics topics but digital has not yet represented even a cell. If you create a perfect digital dinosaur and zoom in on it, you see the cells of the dinosaur, the interior of the cell, RNA, DNA, molecules, atoms and electrons, their vibrations and rotations. There is always possibility to represent a perfect digital dinosaur. That will live in the screen of your laptop. Not just the dinosaur, in the far future, we would be able to represent the whole universe digitally. Digital always try to imitate the real world.
My stupid guess is that possibly this universe might be a digital imitation of something other world. Possibly the digital imitation was made by kind of god (We cannot deny the possibility that an atom is an universe). Everything including us is programed digitally. We are always struggling to be free from the program (On the other hand, obeying some programs is pleasant too though). But after all, we can merely obtain tiny pieces of freedom in our entire lifetime.
The tiny piece of freedom satisfies us for a short while. But we start to struggle to get next tiny piece of freedom soon, as if we cannot satisfy until representing the whole universe digitally. Sure digital is enough perfect to trick us into believing the dinosaur looks like real. Possibly, digital artists might instinctively understand how our brains are composed faster than scientists by induction or deduction, like guessing what dark matter is. While painting, surfing, playing diju, I think I always try to find a tiny piece of the answer of the question "What is this world? Why I am? not I am not?". I want to know it, absolutely. Programming would be as well. When a programmer is writing a security program, the one must be representing the move of neurotransmitters (etc) when we think "I do not want to be seen my privacy! absolutely!!". So, programmers who cannot write a perfect FOSS are already derailing from our natural desire. It is that against the good providence of the universe, Watson.
What did Siddhārtha Gautama become when he became Buddha then? Did he become non-digital? Analog? Or maybe he became nothing. Maybe that's the secret to the universe - the ability to become nothing is what gives freedom.
> the ability to become nothing is what gives freedom.
The idea made me exciting. Or become everything... in the context, I suppose there is no difference between nothing and everything. No, there is...? I feel every plant has the common... kind of soul, like the internet, they seem to communicate with each other. "Nothing" sounds usually sad, but somehow it made me exciting. I will keep thinking about it.
> Did he become non-digital? Analog?
Non-digital Siddhārtha Gautama :) No, he is digital, absolutely. So in that context too, I suppose there is no difference between the two. Both are just atoms and electrons, so far.
I think if you have no form or mass, but you still have a soul and awareness, then you have nothing but everything. And you become like a god. That's what Siddhārtha seemed to do. But how to do it is very difficult. The desire of mankind is to hold tightly to mass and form and identity.
So maybe the ideology of FOSS is also to surrender kind of form and mass and identity that are related to so-called personal benefit that seems to be superficially beneficial (actually they are beneficial, since we can buy most things with money, though). The rest is the joint ownership spirit (I would admit calling it philosophy instead of ideology). To survive in the current economic system, sure it seems natural to hold those advantages (land, money, rights etc). But obviously we seem to be able to share more, and sharing more seems to be very cleverer, because it is concerned to a person's so-called degree of happiness. That is a simple matter, we can say "Hello!" to our neighbors easy without dark emotions. But there is not an established method/system to share things efficiently yet, except the computer world and a few worlds. I have just thought that free software movement has established the good sharing method compared to other worlds. Firstly we must clear up personal financial issues before sharing. Qatar shares oil among people in the country. Many people have the benefit of oil. I think it is not bad. That would be one of exceptions too.
Surrendering them and sharing everything.
Siddhārtha seems to have experienced personal enlightenment. His conducts after his satori (enlightenment) must have been concerned about the idea of sharing (propagation), but satori itself seems to be a personal experience. Or would it concern with something common benefit like sharing.
In contrast, what is the personal benefit of sharing software among the community?
> In contrast, what is the personal benefit of sharing software among the community?
It is highly beneficial. It looks really good on a job application to say that you developed some software that is in use by a bigger community. Also, you can make a network of friends and allies that can help you in your business career, to find jobs, and to help you find solutions to software writing problems.
I see. What are the demerits of sharing software except multiplicationish benefit becomes additionish one?
PS: For brevity's sake, a yogish advantage of the Germanic languages seems that people use quite more strength from dantian in pronunciation than Japanese. Conversely, the yogish advantage for East Asians is to use chopsticks and writing kanji. I always think those are very similar to painting. It is delicacy, however, American cars also seem to be delicate because I have heard that just changing oil from regular one makes American cars not work. Very delicate, you know. My Franck Muller(made in China)'s hand also fell in the case after 2 months, though. I gave my friend it. He likes analyzing. These are not criticism of China and America, just in case.
> What are the demerits of sharing software except multiplicationish benefit becomes additionish one?
That governments use software to help make their war weapons, or to spy on their citizens. Those are the big demerits of sharing software that many free software people have worried about.
Is not closed source code software more secure than open source software? if we can see source code easily, is not it easier to find/create vulnerability? If so, closed source code software seems more secure than open source software in just that sense. It still does not seem that citizens strongly demand even transparency of source code of the arms industry and the intelligence agencies. Why do they use FOSS?
> Is not closed source code software more secure than open source software? if we can see source code easily, is not it easier to find/create vulnerability?
That might be true IF the software did not have vulnerabilities. However, it does have many of them. And closed source means that someone can attack those vulnerabilities without everyone else knowing, or having a way to audit the software to see if has been successfully attacked.
For example, if you used online banking to access your money, a thief might exploit that software to take over its function and steal your money. If the online banking software is closed source, then only the developer and a few people under his control can understand and audit the software to tell if it has been exploited. If it is libre software, then anyone can audit the software to see if it has been exploited.
This has been true many times, where closed source software has been exploited for years by criminals and no one was aware of it.
> If the online banking software is closed source, then only the developer and a few people under his control can understand and audit the software to tell if it has been exploited.
If so, it seems that that will suit them even better. And if they are able to be proud of their computers' ability that can decrypt any cryptograph each other, we have to bet on their kind of saneness. Fortunately, maybe there are relatively sane intellectuals around them and maybe, possibly they know the limit of injustice. If they go beyond the limit, the currency loses trust. Decrypting seems to be a good bonus... I see. But it got too derailed. Thanks, I would raise another thread or attach my desktop on these posts later.
Welcome back, SuperTramp. Is that Arc-Dark + Papirus? Good choice.
What music player are you using in the second screenshot?
>Welcome back
tx chaos_mate!
been quite busy with "real life" lately.. but I did not stop lurking here every once in a while. Trisquel is always first home for me :)
>Is that Arc-Dark + Papirus?
It is Adapta Nokto Eta + Papirus.
I was very surprised to see it only finally took an apt install adapta-gtk-theme papirus-icon-theme or something like that. For once I only had to chose the wallpaper :P
So far 0 bugs on this distro/hardware ancient but beautiful combo.
>What music player are you using in the second screenshot?
It's Deepin music player. Wanted to try something new.. Not bad. nothing special. Simple. good looking.
cheers o/
That is a nice looking desktop SuperTramp. Remarkable that 16-year old systems can run so well - Debian is amazingly adaptable. What's the wallpaper - where did you find it?
>deepin spywre..
Well, I am not aware of the situation of their company nor the distro they package. The music player is regular free software, meaning the code is there to be read.
>Remarkable that 16-year old systems can run so well
True. It is surprising how little can deliver so much.
The only pain is waiting for the tor browsy to open up.. and not being able to watch 1080p. Besides that everything pleasantly smooth. :)
It's been lying on my hard rives for over 2 years now so I really don't know which picture did I rip this off. I remember only making it "minimal".. Be it clear: it is not r my work and I have no idea about the license of the original picture. That being said I attach it for you to enjoy.
Have a nice day libre mates o/
> It's been lying on my hard rives for over 2 years now so I really don't know which picture did I rip this off. I remember only making it "minimal".. Be it clear: it is not r my work and I have no idea about the license of the original picture. That being said I attach it for you to enjoy.
Thanks, very nice.
It looks like it's based on an original by s3vendays on deviantart:
But it's not the same, and this one is not one of s3vendays postings. So either s3vendays created it and didn't post it, or someone else used the original and changed it. Or maybe yours is the original and s3vendays changed it. I think it is by s3vendays though, as it's like many of their other pictures, and this artist also sells some resources for making these types of pictures.
Yea, that's definitely the one. I modified it a lot indeed.. I ask pardon to the author..although my belief and respect in copyright is even lower than that I show to the flying spaghetti. An old bad habit. I confess..
What is name of the icon pack you are using?
>What is name of the icon pack you are using?
Srry for replying late, mate GNUbahn. The icon pack is named "papirus". Cheers o/
Used to have this one modified too for some time on my old lappy that unfortunately did not somehow survive 115C during a freedoom session on a very hot summer day :)
I so love minimalism, not only wallpapers related.. Minimalism is love
Trisquel 9 default desktop (work in progress, see
> Trisquel 9 default desktop (work in progress, see
How is ardour working for you? Is that what you use for mixing?
And can you share screenshots of your i3 desktop?
> How is ardour working for you? Is that what you use for mixing?
I don't do much mixing, and when I do my needs are generally simple enough that I just use Audacity. That screenshot is from my Trisquel 9 testing machine. Ardour is on there because it's one of the A/V applications I am backporting to for Trisquel 9.[1]
> And can you share screenshots of your i3 desktop?
gtk-theme, terminal-theme: Zenburn, icon theme: Ghost Flat, status bar: i3blocks
mail: neomutt, calendar: calcurse, xmpp: mcabber
screenlocker: i3lock-color
browser: Icecat, launcher: rofi
file manager: nnn, music player: cmus, tetris clone: tint
graphical file manager: caja, video player: mpv
display manager: lightdm with lightdm-gtk-greeter
Looks like it would have to take a lot of getting used to how i3 functions. Are you happy with it?
I have a Mac Mini late 2009. It runs Fedora 30 quite well with a light WM such as WindowMaker. A poor man's NeXTstation.
The Mini has 4GB RAM, 180GB SSD.
> I have a Mac Mini late 2009. It runs Fedora 30 quite well with a light WM such as WindowMaker. A poor man's NeXTstation.
This is fascinating. Does it have a Power CPU? Is that why you are on Fedora?
Mac Mini late 2009 (macmini3,1) is Intel (Core 2 Duo P7550). It came with Snow Leopard, Apple's first OS X version that couldn't run on the PowerPC architecture. It could run old PowerPC software with Rosetta, though. Apple moved to x86 in 2006.
Apple's transition to Intel processors
I run Fedora because Anaconda, the Red Hat installer, makes it easy to set up X and a WM. After installation all essential services work as they would on a full Gnome installation (network, sound, graphical login), only without Gnome or any other DE. I add WindowMaker and my favourite programs. Caveat: I use Ethernet --I suppose the wifi wouldn't work without proprietary firmware.
Fedora is as fast as Snow Leopard ever was ten years ago, only it's up-to-date. Win 10 also installs on it but it's sluggish and NVIDIA has issues (it won't boot to GUI with the driver installed, so it has to be rolled back), sound issue (mute).
Mac Mini has a built-in speaker and it has FW. I still have an external backup drive with firewire.
I could run Trisquel or Ubuntu on it. They all work. As it is, it's perfectly usable as an everyday general purpose computer in 2019.
> Looks like it would have to take a lot of getting used to how i3 functions. Are you happy with it?
I have found it to be worth it, though there is a bit of a learning curve, and I've put a lot of time into configuration, especially with keybindings.
* Space is my main modifier (when held; tapping it still types a space)
* Space+u and Space+i switch workspaces left/right
* Space+hjkl switch between containers within the current workspace
* Space+Enter launches Rofi
* Space+\ launches a terminal.
This way I can start or switch to any task just about instantly with one hand on home row while the other hand holds a beer.
Window Management:
* Space+Shift+ui moves the current container one workspace left/right
* Space+Shift+hjkl moves the current container within the workspace
* Space+op determines whether the next new container will split the current container vertically or horizontally
This does reuqire me to put down my beer to hold left Shift, but I don't rearrange containers as often as I switch between them.
* R_Alt+ui behave like PgDown/PgUp
* R_Alt+hjkl behave like arrow keys
* CapsLk behaves like Esc
Since most applications give PgDown/Up, arrow keys, and Esc navigation functions, I can also navigate within applications more ergonomically, whether or not the application supports key-remapping within itself. I can type uihjkl with my right-hand fingers while holding R_Alt with my right thumb, so these also require only one hand on home row. My right thumb sits between Space and R_Alt so that I can quickly switch between those two modifiers.
Any machine I use for more than an hour a day I want configured this way. For machines I use less frequently I just install GNOME, or Xfce if the machine can't handle GNOME, because having the interface usable for friends outweighs optimizing it for my own preferences.
> This way I can start or switch to any task just about instantly with one hand on home row while the other hand holds a beer.
I like that you've got your priorities straight!! Beer holding is important. I spend a lot of time going back and forth between a web browser and a LibreOffice document or spreadsheet, or between a PDF and an LO document or spreadsheet. How is i3 at integrating with LibreOffice? Do your keyboard shortcuts carry over into the program?
And have you tried them with VLC player? I switch between LO Writer and VLC when I am transcribing a recording, and my keyboard shortcuts need to control the audio (play/pause & short rewind) from within either program, regardless of which window has the focux.
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