snowden files

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A rejoint: 12/05/2014

when Edward snowden released those files that proved the nsa were spying on everyone

dose anyone know were they can be found wikileaks etc.

or were any other proof of the nsa's surveillance can be found?

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A rejoint: 05/18/2013

They were sent to Glenn Greenwald and published in The Guardian, I think.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010
Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015
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A rejoint: 12/05/2014

i think this is a link to all of them:
git clone

Mangy Dog

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A rejoint: 03/15/2015

on the
page gives all the timeline of the documents,their access,graphs
and who published what, ect.
2015-1267.htm update NSA Snowden Releases Tally Update - *3,929 Pages
March 24, 2015

a minimum of 250,000 pages are in the Snowden files, then less than 1%
have been released. Note Greenwald claim on 13 September 2014 of having
"hundreds of thousands" of documents. is case sensitive site for releasing many "secret"or
sensitive information.It's a Whistleblower and has been under attack
like Lavabit was taken down.

Mainly it was renowned for having published Eyeballing the Iraq Killing
Zone which was photographs of the dead US Soldiers families in distress
which contributed to descrediting US War in Irak.