solved a problem with lxde
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Ernesto said:
" Midori the lightest free choice or we have another one in the same “league”?"
I believe Netsurf is lighter on resources. Or Dillo. Of course, CLI browsers Lynx, Links are lightweights in their own right.

Netsurf is way lighter but it is also way less functional, unfortunately. :(
So true! The lightest browser ever to be invented is one which is completely non-functional, letting one stare at a static black screen into the abyss all day.
That said, Line Mode Browser is green and simple, pretty close but no cigar.
Nice! But is there nowadays any browser on this style? I mean text only
Most of the Web browsers lists are still developed.
Line Mode Browser is obsolete. To name a few maintained/relevant/well-known text-mode browsers: Lynx, Links, w3m.
I actually made a clean installation of trisquel mini from usb. I deleted all the partitions except the existing windows and I installed from usb trisquel midi along windows because my wife does not allow to delete it... I deleted partitions in the dumbest way because I didn want to spend time on learning how to do it so I did it from Windows itself...
Anyway I can say now it runs much better than before, it goes fast and midori goes fast too!
I installed i3 because it is the way I like by now, but when I try to enable wifi it does not work, it says "secrets are required but not provided"... I searched on the net without luck, now I am on Trisquel Mini instead i3, but do you know how can I do it ? I tried to do it from terminal following indications but it always says the same "secrets" message. Or if I could use some graphical program to connect by wifi on i3, I don know those programs
> but when I try to
> enable wifi it does not work, it says "secrets are required but not
> provided"
How did you try to connect? nmcli? nmtui?
> now I am on Trisquel
> Mini instead i3
So it works in LXDE (Trisquel Mini) but not i3?
> Or if I could use some graphical program to connect by wifi on
> i3, I don know those programs
Sure. If you run nm-applet in a terminal it should appear in your i3
bar. Or you can add it to ~/.config/i3/config so that it starts
automatically when you log in. See here[1] for instructions.
Alternatively, you could install a desktop environment and replace its
window manager with i3. A desktop environment configures things like
networking (and other nice things like automatically mounting usb drives
and detecting monitors) to work out of the box.
I use MATE, but I replace MATE's window manager (Metacity) with i3 and
remove mate-panel. The result looks just like i3, but things "work" as
they do in MATE.
$ dconf write /org/mate/desktop/session/required-components/windowmanager "'i3'"
$ dconf write /org/mate/desktop/session/required-components/panel "''"
$ dconf write /org/mate/desktop/background/show-desktop-icons "false"
It's probably possible to do the same thing with LXDE.
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