Some wonderings on Wine and Playonlinux
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I needed the software ISSE but even by following the exact methodology of the installation, I always have a error to compile the package, even with the advices of a ubuntu trusty user in the tickets.
I have posted a ticket some days ago on, but the developer seems to have gave up this project.
As this software is GPLV3, as it also exist in .exe and I could have the help of PlayOnLinux and Wine, I said ti myself why not using the .exe ?
Well, this software works with wine and playonlinux ! But I'm worried about how things happened.
Wine wanted to install Mono and Gecko that seems to be proprietary (even in some parts).
But I have cancelled this installation.
I also find nes to ISSE folder in my PlayOnLinux's Virtual Drive, forlders with Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, Windows NT.
This files are not empty and contains an .exe file.
What's this ???
Should I be worried about it ?
Playonlinux is recommended by some users of the forum.
Thanks a lot.
Hi. I have no idea but just a guess that audacity might do that for you. Investigate on it. I have used audacity for quite some time but am very noobish with it and I do some very basic stuff still..
A brief research into this has pointed me to this software ->
It's a beta and it might be a better experience for you since the software you were talking about is an alpha and abbandoned (apparently) code too.
Anyway ISSE is not really working on PlayOnLinux because there is always a bug when you try to load a file and this is not a question a format. I have to use .wav ones.
I will probably have to try other types of windows emulations with playonlinux.
I had to downgrade Audacity because the ppa version was sometimes crashing and I had to do an xkill command, then, impossible to restart audacity again.
I liked this project because it was based on the idea to separate sounds under a spectogram view.
ManyEars is not this kind of thing.
Audacity is not exactly working on this. They have added new functionalities (I had them on the ppa version) when your're on the spectrogram view but not this one.
> As this software is GPLV3, as it also exist in .exe and I could have the help of PlayOnLinux and Wine, I said ti myself why not using the .exe ?
I would generally advise against that, mainly because Windows software tends to be compiled with the proprietary MSVC compiler. I don't know about this specific case, though.
> Wine wanted to install Mono and Gecko that seems to be proprietary (even in some parts).
Neither of those are proprietary. Mono is a libre implementation of .NET, and Gecko is a Web browser engine, the one used by Firefox.
> I also find nes to ISSE folder in my PlayOnLinux's Virtual Drive, forlders with Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, Windows NT.
I'm not familiar with PlayOnLinux (I always found it to be confusing, so I never used it), but are you sure those are actually Windows Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player? I know, for example, that Wine includes "Wine Internet Explorer", a basic libre Web browser for Windows; it's given the same executable name as Windows Internet Explorer, for compatibility with programs that expect Internet Explorer to be there, I believe.
You need mono, and I think, that you must install dotnet4(non-free Microsoft patented shittyest framework software ever made, which I can not recommend in that forum). You don't need PLayOnLinux. You need Wine, mono, dotnet, winecfg. I don't know if it will work with no dotnet, some programs requires it. Later, if you are on 64bit operating system, you must to create another directory, but, with 32bits. 64bits are very unstable and I think that never works. Wine doesn't emulate, it runs Windows programs with compatibility layer, mono. Some programs maybe run with mono only, I don't know. Don't expect to run Window's programs full flawlessly.
As I know, mono it is free software.
The easiest way, is solve the error, and compile with GNU/Linux, and run program you want on GNU.
> I always have a error to compile the package
What did the error message say, exactly?!
onpon4 > Neither of those are proprietary. Mono is a libre implementation of .NET, and Gecko is a Web browser engine, the one used by Firefox.
Ok, fine. Thank you. This is what I was afraid of.
onpon4 >I'm not familiar with PlayOnLinux (I always found it to be confusing, so I never used it), but are you sure those are actually Windows Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player? I know, for example, that Wine includes "Wine Internet Explorer", a basic libre Web browser for Windows; it's given the same executable name as Windows Internet Explorer, for compatibility with programs that expect Internet Explorer to be there, I believe.
I've found after PlayOnLinux's installation and the .exe of ISSE
Home/PlayOnLinux's virtual drive/ISSE/drive_c/Program Files :
Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe
Program Files/Windows Media Player/wmplayer.exe
Program Files/WindowsNT/Accessories/wordpad.exe
I didn't enjoy myself to "play them on GNU/Linux" !
I took the .deb pakage on Play On Linux official website.
This software and its files will be uninstalled as soon as I can.
lembas> What did the error message say, exactly?!
Magic Banana and Mangy Dog helped me a lot to understand on Trisquel Utilisateurs.
This software is the worst one I had to install since I'm on Linux !
And I'm afraid this is not working very well.
I want to have a try because it's useful for some of Trisquel user that create and edit sounds.
I've got to do :
git submodule init
git submodule refresh
but I don't know when I have to do it in the recommended steps of eigen and juce installation.
git clone git:// isse-code
cd isse-code
git submodule init sdks/juce
git submodule init sdks/eigen
git submodule update
I think I will spend again a lot of time to try to install it. This is the only information I miss.
#12 ISSE installation on Trisquel GNU/Linux 7
#9 Error when compiling/installing on Linux
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