sound not working with headphones

5 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 06/24/2013

I'm on an Asus Eee PC X101CH. Generally, everything works quite well. I'm having some audio trouble, though.

Audio seems to work just fine until I plug in headphones. I can briefly hear the sound over the headphones and then the mute notification pops up and there's no sound. I've tried various pairs of headphones.

I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting this. Thoughts?


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A rejoint: 05/18/2013

Try unmuting it with the headphones plugged in. There may be different volume settings for the PC speakers and the headphones.

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A rejoint: 06/24/2013

Unmuting while the headphones are plugged in causes the unmute notification to pop up, but no sound comes out of the headphones.

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A rejoint: 07/01/2013

Please try Alsamixergui or Gnome Alsa Mixer. There are in Add/Remove Applications.

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A rejoint: 08/22/2013

Try this in a terminal:
amixer -c0 set Headphone unmute
#Careful, headphone volume will be at 100% after this command
amixer -c0 set Headphone 100%+

You could also try the command 'alsamixer' (without quotes).
(which is a graphical interface to amixer)
If you see 'MM' below any of the colored vertical lines, it means that this channel is muted. To unmute it, type m.
You control the volume with the up and down arrow keys.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 08/22/2013

Where are you pluggin the headphone?
a)in a front panel.
b)in speaker.
c)in motherboard.