Spam attack
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Tonight we had an spam attack that filled our forums with thousands of topics in korean. As result of the cleaning, some legitimate post might be unpublished. If that happens, please tell me in this thread and I will re-enable them.
Sorry for the disturbance
Thanks! I watched in horror all happen. I thought the Kim-Illians had launched a cyber attack on free/libre software.
Good luck guys !
It would be a good idea set the CAPTCHA system to prevent automatically generated spam messages:
I'm still in favor of some kind of trust earning system for new users before they can freely post. Like making their posts approval-only until a certain number of posts has been approved and a certain amount of time has passed.
Trust/progressive permission systems are something the modern forums I mentioned a while ago have. :)
The spam attack is on again.
New topic creation is disabled for now, we are investigating this.
At the same time, (GNU+) Linux Mint has been hit by a malware infection and fake ISO downloads. I'm not saying they are connected. Just curious.
New topic creation has been reenabled
Looks like there's a spammer in our midst. You should've banned everybody who registered automatically recently before autoreg was removed.
We are in a year 2016
and Mint stil dont use https!!!!!!!!
What are the words that describe this crazy thing??
Maybe stupid or foolish
That's now been remedied. is verified by Comodo. Trisquel, however, still goes http with thumbnails.

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