Spotify - or the like - in privacy

22 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 02/18/2016

In a family with children in all sizes there is a huge demand for something like spotify - with the latest and most popular music.

It doesn't seem to be possible to use spotify etc in complete privacy.

What could be the *most* private way to use spotify (or a similar service)?

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A rejoint: 02/17/2016

A radio receiver and a free-to-air radio channel?

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A rejoint: 02/18/2016

Yeah, that might do for me but the kids want here-and-now choices - like their friends...


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A rejoint: 07/07/2017

> What could be the *most* private way to use spotify (or a similar service)?

If you want something similar to Spotify without the freedom and privacy issues, maybe Nuclear would work for you.

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A rejoint: 02/18/2016

Thanks. I downloaded and extracted the zip-file. But I find no information about how to install. Can you help?

There are some screenshots showing e.g. Rihanna and Lady Gaga. Do you know if will we have access to recent music from famous (!) artists via Nuclear?

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

You can download the .deb file:

If GDebi is installed, you can double-click on the file to install it. If you prefer the terminal, then execute from the directory containing the file:
$ sudo dpkg -i nuclear-7e3bac.deb

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 02/18/2016

Got it, thanks.

En ligne
A rejoint: 02/12/2015

It says it's like mps-youtube, so yes, you should have all artists, including recent and popular. As long as they have stuff uploaded to youtube, you should be able to access it.

kenogo (non vérifié)

Took some time to look at the code. It uses Google to search for the songs on the web, so for privacy, you should use at least a VPN. Either way, Nuclear is a lot better than Spotify since it's free software (and DRM free, but otherwise it couldn't be free software).


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A rejoint: 06/19/2015

On 12/12/2019 12:13 AM, name at domain wrote:
> It uses Google to search for the songs on the web, so for privacy, you
> should use at least a VPN.

Why not just patch it to use something else?

> (and DRM free, but otherwise it couldn't be
> free software).

You can have DRM in free software. It just might not be very effective.
In the drafting of GPLv3, the right to implement DRM in a free program
was nonetheless defended.

Caleb Herbert

kenogo (non vérifié)

I mean, YouTube is still owned by Google, so patching it to search with duckduckgo won’t really make a difference. I at least doubt that your search terms would reveal much more than the video you find using them. I don’t know why I even put a focus on Google being used for the search. It should be pretty clear that using YouTube directly over your ISP’s connection doesn’t exactly make you think “privacy”. And I didn’t know that about DRM, although it makes sense now that you say it.

En ligne
A rejoint: 02/12/2015

Oh, I remember nuclear now - weren't we looking at this a few months ago? It's an electron app, so the electron arguments will get started all over again. But I really liked this concept at the time, and it looks like it's much better and more stable now. Downloaded and listening to my favorite music as we speak, thanks for mentioning it chaosmonk!


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A rejoint: 06/19/2015

On 12/07/2019 09:47 AM, name at domain wrote:
> It's an electron app, so the electron arguments will get started all
> over again.

GNU Guix packages Chromium. Perhaps Electron is OK now.

Caleb Herbert

zapper (non vérifié)

Whether or not Chromium is free or not, which I don't think it is, security on chrome based web browsers is questionable.


But its your call not mine. I don't run anyone elses life but my own. ;)

En ligne
A rejoint: 02/12/2015

> Whether or not Chromium is free or not, which I don't think it is, security on chrome based web browsers is questionable.

I found that nuclear still has most of the same glitches and errors as last time, so got rid of it again. I think it is a nice looking app, but probably inherently limited and may never live up to its potential. It also doesn't give near as many search results as mps-youtube, which seems a bit odd, but makes it a poor choice for a juke box.

kenogo (non vérifié)

Wow that's awesome! Looks like this might be a viable alternative to present to some friends who claim there is no way for them to stop using Spotify.

En ligne
A rejoint: 02/12/2015

For a simple jukebox, I like using mps-youtube. It's in the trisquel repo.

If you don't mind experimenting with new, independent, and freely licensed music, I've found a ton of great tunes on


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A rejoint: 06/19/2015

On 12/07/2019 09:37 AM, name at domain wrote:
> For a simple jukebox, I like using mps-youtube.

This has never worked reliably for me.

Caleb Herbert

En ligne
A rejoint: 02/12/2015

> This has never worked reliably for me.

Make sure you also have youtube-dl installed. It doesn't call for it as a dependency, but mps-youtube works like crap without it.


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A rejoint: 06/19/2015

On 12/07/2019 01:29 AM, name at domain wrote:
> What could be the *most* private way to use spotify (or a similar service)?

Get a huge disk and start hoarding music.

Caleb Herbert

En ligne
A rejoint: 02/12/2015

Or a song book and an acoustic guitar.

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A rejoint: 02/18/2016

Privacy-wise, that must be the ultimate solution

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A rejoint: 02/18/2016

Perhaps not for the neighbours, though!