Substitute for Google's SMS service?

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 09/03/2011

Does anyone know of a free (As in liberty) program or site that will allow me to send free (As in price) SMS messages? I've been using Gmail for such a thing because where I live has very poor service for cellular phones. I'd grately appreciate it for I would like to no longer use Gmail since I use now.

Thank you! :)

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A rejoint: 09/01/2011

skype! just kidding. haven't looked into it yet. haven't looked into it either.

i think i've heard each number has an email address, perhaps that could be an option.

i think remember there being a list on stallmans website,, or listing a number of programs for this, but i cant find it

you could also search the package manager


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A rejoint: 02/25/2010

Doing a search for sms in Synaptic brings back several results. The descriptions for wammu and gnome-phone-manager indicate that they might be useful for what you're trying to do. I haven't used either though, so I can't really say anything about them.