
2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 02/15/2016

I got Trisquel 7 up and running fine and I like it. I'm still learning it, of course, but that's okay. Thanks for the help.

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A rejoint: 02/17/2016

Good! Congrats! Please feel free to ask anything.

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A rejoint: 02/15/2016

Thanks. I love the clean look of Trisquel. It's easy on the eyes. I've not got an email client on yet because Evolution thinks my ISP is a POP server and it's an IMAP and it won't let me change that setting, so it just won't work and Thunderbird won't install and I may not want to use it, anyway, although I've been using it for a long time and haven't had any problems with it, really - that I know of, anyway. How do folks get email on and working, and what app is best for normal email? It seems to me the Trisquel has a lot in common with Ubuntu and gdeb installed Jutoh, my writing app (I write fiction - have a MFA in it - and I have an aversion to cutting trees which should be soaking up carbon instead of being a paper book so I use Jutoh (I like it better than Scrivener for Linux) to write ebooks and publish them, when I get done with them. I've not done that since my wife got cancer 5 years ago and upset my writer's life. She still needs me to do stuff for her, so the long periods of uninterrupted flow don't happen much and I spend a lot of time conflicted. Jutoh works fine in Trisquel. It's a great app (, and Julian, the developer, is amazing. Can I install and run (if I can get it configured) a LAMP server under Trisquel? I read an interview of Edward Snowden and he talks about security stuff I've never heard of. Security is a full-time job, if one wants to make it really work, it seems. This has gotten long, so I'll stop. Thanks again for getting me going.
---- name at domain wrote:
> Good! Congrats! Please feel free to ask anything.