A suggestion for a campaign

5 réponses [Dernière contribution]

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 01/11/2011

I would like to suggest a campaign to produce free software based consumer products such as digital audio players (e.g. supported by Rockbox), cameras and laptops (e.g. supported by coreboot).

The FSF has a campaign for a free BIOS, but without a long list of people who wish to purchase a computer with a free BIOS I cannot see any of the OEMs producing such a computer.

What is needed is getting at least 100 thousand signatures of people who require that their next laptop will support a free BIOS or requiring that their next digital audio player or camera will only use free software that can be replaced without voiding the warranty.

I believe that the recent news regarding Windows 8 requiring signed bootloaders is a good opportunity for the free software community to obtain a large number of signatures to promote this cause.

It should be noted that there is a company that produces professional cameras running free software called Eiphel, but their cameras are too expensive for consumers who are not professionals and are looking for cheap cameras.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/27/2010

Such a list would be cool. One can only hope it would be reason enough for the manufacturers to start producing hardware in cooperation with the projects like coreboot or rockbox.

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A rejoint: 09/23/2010

Great idea. How do we get started?


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I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/27/2010

Just FYI AMD is starting to use coreboot on it's products (http://blogs.amd.com/work/2011/05/05/an-update-on-coreboot/)


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/27/2010

That's great news, now we only need a video card with fully free drivers that will run on a board with an AMD CPU.


I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 08/25/2010

Count with me.

El dom, 02-10-2011 a las 08:50 +0200, name at domain escribió:
> I would like to suggest a campaign to produce free software based consumer
> products such as digital audio players (e.g. supported by Rockbox), cameras
> and laptops (e.g. supported by coreboot).
> The FSF has a campaign for a free BIOS, but without a long list of people who
> wish to purchase a computer with a free BIOS I cannot see any of the OEMs
> producing such a computer.
> What is needed is getting at least 100 thousand signatures of people who
> require that their next laptop will support a free BIOS or requiring that
> their next digital audio player or camera will only use free software that
> can be replaced without voiding the warranty.
> I believe that the recent news regarding Windows 8 requiring signed
> bootloaders is a good opportunity for the free software community to obtain a
> large number of signatures to promote this cause.
> It should be noted that there is a company that produces professional cameras
> running free software called Eiphel, but their cameras are too expensive for
> consumers who are not professionals and are looking for cheap cameras.