Switch user on lock screen missing

3 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 05/24/2015

I recently replaced Ubuntu on my families shared computer with Trisquel, and everything is great except there is no option to switch users from the lock screen. After searching the forum, all I can find is one post mentioning that this feature is in fact missing, but no reason why, or a way to add it back. I really like this distro so far, and would hate to have to switch because of something so trivial, but on a computer shared by six people this may be a dealbreaker. So hopefully I am just missing something, and there is an easy fix.

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A rejoint: 12/16/2009

One way to fix this is to install GNOME Shell and use that, as it's able to switch users from the locked screen. You can wait for other suggestions, if you prefer to not use GNOME Shell.

You can install GNOME Shell with:

sudo aptitude -R install gnome-shell

When I installed GNOME Shell at first, I had problems with logging in the GNOME session, so I installing GDM too. Later I found I had to use "System Defaults" session rather than "GNOME session", otherwise it would only load a blank desktop and a lone mouse cursor.

Maybe you don't need GDM, but if you do, you can install it with:

sudo aptitude install gdm
Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

I am actually sure that GDM is needed here... and it may be that GNOME Shell is not (I am not sure because I use it too).

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A rejoint: 05/24/2015

Not a big fan of gnome-shell or gdm , but I did manage to find another solution.

I came across a program called light-locker in the repo that seems to work perfectly. It just takes you back to the lightdm login screen when the screen locks due to timeout or screensaver coming on. If someone intentionally locks the screen from the "Lock screen" option on the main menu, it will still go to the old lock screen with no option to switch users, but in my case that should not be too big of a problem.