Thoughts about installing updated version of gnucash or any other package

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A rejoint: 10/20/2020

I am trying to find a way to install a newer version of gnucash than the 2.6.19 that ships with trisquel, mainly because of some much needed features about my country's tax system.
So far I found 3 options:
1) by using flatpack, witch I try to avoid because I do not really know anything about flatpak, ethics and security. This method provides the latest version of 4xx series, which has a feature I want but I can live without it,
2) using official ppa from @ which seems the more secure option but hasn't any activity for more than a year, and
3) an unofficial ppa for ubuntu 18.04 @ that has the latest version of gnucash 3xx series.
I am interested in both tecnical and ethical opinions, so if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to share them.

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A rejoint: 02/12/2015

Guix has the latest versions of most libre software including Gnucash, and would be more appropriate for installing from a 3rd party repo than flatpak or Ubuntu.

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A rejoint: 05/01/2018

If you want to use latest (or at least not very old) packages, a (semi-)rolling released distribution is best. However I don't see many (semi-)rolling free/libre distributions. Maybe GuixSD can be counted as one. Other choices including Debian testing, but be sure not to install the non-free firmware.

A (semi-)rolling distribution is better than either flatpak or PPA.

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A rejoint: 02/12/2015

No, just use Trisquel and install the Guix package manager. Problem solved.


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A rejoint: 10/20/2020

Guix distro is great with a great prospect and very friendly people in the irc chat. I installed it on my laptop for a week and I had a great experience with it. But being an advanced distro it needs reading, researching and ... time, so I put it on hold for a while. Guix package manager seems a reasonable alternative and a pretty safe choice. For now I chose to install gnucash using the ppa from, hoping for an upgrade from the gnu team. If I am not satisfied, or if I have more time in the future, then guix (pakcage manager) it is.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

GnuCash's developers apparently build the Flatpak themselves:

Another option, if you do not mind manual updates for GnuCash, is to download the .deb packages of gnucash-common and gnucash and install them in that order (double-clicking on the .deb file should launch GDebi, which proposes the installation). For instance, if your system is 64-bit and you want the latest version from Debian:

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A rejoint: 05/01/2018

Using latest deb packages from Debian's testing is not recommended, because they have a lot of dependencies, which may not be new enough in Trisquel (as an LTS distribution).

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

You are right. I only checked that the dependencies of gnucash-common were satisfied. Nevertheless, the problem was with the gnucach package: it depends on guile-3.0, which itself depends on guile-3.0-libs, which depends on a newer version of libc6.