Trisquel 10.0 feedback

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A rejoint: 01/02/2019

In the "Add/ Remove Applications" for every program there is a link to the homepage of the program. None of these links i have tried are working. The browser doesn't open.


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A rejoint: 07/15/2009

Interesting, I'll take note of that.
Did this happened too on etiona?


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A rejoint: 01/02/2019

It works on etiona.

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A rejoint: 09/29/2021

Trisquel MATE version doesn't open files via MTP (e.g. from Android phone), because the package gvfs-fuse is not installed, it should be installed by default.


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A rejoint: 07/15/2009

I'll mention it on the next devel meeting.


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A rejoint: 04/01/2021
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A rejoint: 08/02/2017

Also Trisquel Mini 10 have some problem reading files from the mobile phone:
the package gvfs-fuse is installed but when I connect my mobile phone I have this error message:
The name :1.84 was not provided by any .service files

My mobile is a xiaomi redmi note 5 with lineageos 18 (android 11)


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A rejoint: 01/02/2019

after installing and running wine-development it says:
it looks like wine32-development is missing, you should install it.
multiarch needs to be enabled first. as root, please
execute "dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update &&
apt-get install wine32-development"
Usage: wine PROGRAM [ARGUMENTS...] Run the specified program
wine --help Display this help and exit
wine --version Output version information and exit

but following these instructions it leads to:
Hit:1 nabia InRelease
Hit:2 nabia-updates InRelease
Hit:3 nabia-security InRelease
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
51 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
wine32-development:i386 : Depends: libwine-development:i386 (= 5.5-3ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.


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A rejoint: 01/02/2019

There is another issue about "Add/Remove Applications".
Some Screenshots of programs, for example "Super Tux 2" are too large for my laptop screen. Some screenshots are even larger... My screen resolution is set to 1366 x 768. I have to drag the window with the screenshot to see the x to close the window.


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A rejoint: 01/02/2019

In the menu of Accessories there is "Atril Document Viewer", but then there is "Caja" and "Pluma" and not "Caja File Browser" an "Pluma Text Editor". Maybe menu items should be in a consistent way.

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A rejoint: 08/02/2017

hello to you all

@ark74 it is not possible to use the italian language in Abrowser.
in the settings the error message is: is not possible to add a new language it seems there is no connection (sorry I don't remember the exact words, I am at work now)
This happen both with Trisquel and Trisquel Mini

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

Have you installed the package named "abrowser-locale-it"?

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A rejoint: 08/02/2017

yes, is installed

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

And, in the section "Language" of Abrowser's settings, the drop-down menu does not list Italian as a choice, right?

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A rejoint: 02/17/2016

It works in a VM: Italian language is shown and can be selected when the package abrowser-locale-it is installed.

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A rejoint: 08/02/2017

@Magic Banana @loldier I don't understand, yesterday evening I have the problem with Abrowser, now I light my netbook and Abrowser is in italian.
Maybe the netbook need a reboot, now all is ok


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A rejoint: 08/18/2020

I had the same experience, after installing the language package, the option is still not available in Abrowser, after reboot it is.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

That is strange that a reboot would be necessary. Before rebooting, had you tried to simply quit the browser (closing all its windows) and to relaunch it?

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A rejoint: 02/17/2016

In a VM, the lang pack works only after updating and upgrading packages.

langpack_incompatible.png langpack_upgrade.png

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A rejoint: 08/18/2020

I remember that I closed all abrowser windows and it did not work (I even used "ps -ef|grep abrowser" to make sure it wasn't running anymore). That said, I am now having some doubt whether I really rebooted or just closed the session and opened it again.

Next time I install Trisquel, I'll see once again.

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A rejoint: 08/02/2017

@Magic Banana to be honest I don't remember

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A rejoint: 04/01/2021

I just noticed that hovering over the sound icon and scrolling 'forward' and 'backward' increases and decreases the volume, as expected, but hovering over the volume bar after clicking on the sound icon works opposite (scrolling 'forward' and 'backward' decreases and increases the volume, respectively, with much larger increments).

The behavior is the same in Trisquel 9, but I mostly use the first option (hovering over the sound icon and scrolling) or click on the volume cursor in order to fine tune the volume (instead of scrolling), so I did not notice it until now.


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A rejoint: 10/20/2020

Thanks for a great upcoming release.
I tried live instances of trisquel and tisquel-mini and everything seems great.
So far I have found that icons in gnumeric are still missing, this is happening in trisquel 9 as well (see

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A rejoint: 12/01/2016

Thank you very much!

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A rejoint: 11/03/2021

I've been testing out Triskel 10 for the past couple of weeks now (KDE version), and it has been working out great for me. I've never used a 100% free distro before (been mainly using Kubuntu LTS's for the past number of years), and don't see any reason to go back. I would like to point out a few things, however, that can make this release better.

Firstly, some packages that are normally installed by default (in most KDE distros) are missing, namely: kinfocenter, kde-config-sddm, kde-config-screenlocker, and another package that is used by my preferred weather widget (I believe it was qml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel).

Secondly, there is no system update notifier installed. That is no big deal for me, as I can just update from the terminal. However, for a new user coming from another non-free distro or even a propriety operating system, this can be a problem. I did also have an issue with Icedove not auto detecting gmail settings, so I had to manually put in the server information.

Lastly, and this is a minor point, for the KDE edition, you should consider changing the task manager default to icons only, as this better fits the paradigm that people are used to using over the last 20 years.


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A rejoint: 10/20/2020

I had the following problems when using encrypted disk in Trisquel 10.

A) During Installation of live image

When I run the installer in a previously encrypted disk and selecting lvm and disk encryption I get an error (I think something about EFI disk...) and the installer stops. Only after I run cfdisk /dev/sda and deleting the encrypted partition I can install Trisquel 10 (although I am still getting some errors about the disk and some warnings that my system will probably won't work as expected).

B) After installation at disk decryption password

After installation, when I connect my laptop to an external monitor during boot, in the point where after the bios screen I get a prompt about inserting a password in order to decrypt the disk, the characters I type do not show when typing. It still get pass this screen if I type the paswword correctly and press enter, but it is annoying. This doesn't happens in etiona.

Al the tests are in a librebooted x200 laptop

Apart from the above, trisquel mini nambia is a pleasant experience so far.


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A rejoint: 07/15/2009

Hello on
A) could you take a screen capture, I think it's a warning not an error, I think I've seen it, but if you keep going forward I think you can proceed with the installation. Please correct me if I'm wrong about it.

B) I have not experience on libreboot, is it like a legacy BIOS or more like a EFI boot?
I've seen some weird behavior that I think is related to the video card I selected on my virtualized environment were I run tests.

More details on both cases could help us triage the issues.


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A rejoint: 08/18/2020

After installation, when I connect my laptop to an external monitor during boot, in the point where after the bios screen I get a prompt about inserting a password in order to decrypt the disk, the characters I type do not show when typing. It still get pass this screen if I type the paswword correctly and press enter, but it is annoying. This doesn't happens in etiona.

In my install of Etiona following the guidelines from Libreboot (with the option "manual install"), when GRUB in Libreboot asks me for the password (I have the Libreboot background picture, with the penguin on the gnu's back), for each character I type, nothing shows up at all so for any key pressed, it is impossible to know whether one character was actually entered or not. If I connect an external screen via the Ultrabase, at this stage, the external screen is dark.

Is that the step that you were referring too? I thought that this step was actually entirely controlled by the GRUB configuration files on the flash memory of the X200, but perhaps I am wrong.

I will try installing Nabia later.


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A rejoint: 10/20/2020

Hello again,
I need to set up a test computer for this. Fortunately I have another x200 I am planning to liberboot this week. If I find time to do it then I will test nambia and provide feedback.

About the B) section of my comment, this happens after libreboot screen when there is just a box with nambia's green background where I need to put the decryption password.

Speaking of this, I have another observation. When I install trisquel (either etiona or nambia), using the live image after installation and when x200 reboots, I see the screen I mention earlier where I can insert the password to decrypt the disk and boot my drive.
But when I install trisquel using the netinstall image this screen does not appear and I cannot boot to my newly installed system. I event tried changing the names of lvm disks exactly as the ones that are created automatically during live image install. I am wondering what is happening...


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A rejoint: 12/13/2017

At the time I'm writing this, the files at
have older timestamps (01-Nov-2021) and smaller filesizes than the ones at

So I assume the latter have succeeded the former, and we should preferably download and test the latter, being updated versions of the former, is that right?

Unfortunately, due to some problem between my (Vikings D8) computer and my current monitor, I cannot currently install and test anything; I cannot even see the BIOS, although I did for a brief moment see part of Nabia's Picos de Europa background in a corner of the screen after somehow "blindly" getting a live USB medium to start.

But I'd like to say that for me, an important feature of Trisquel 9 Mini over regular Trisquel 9 was Mini's possibility to switch off antialiasing of fonts, even though some programs didn't obey that. I would love for the regular (non-Mini) version of Trisquel to offer this, but when I tried the live version of Trisquel 10 I didn't find it.

I'm looking forward to use Nabia soon. Thank you.


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A rejoint: 12/13/2017

Orca allowed me to try out Nabia with a black screen: I plugged in cheap earphones and enjoyed some audio I had on a USB stick, basically using my computer as an oversized audio player because I currently have no other working devices at home; I'm writing this from a shared computer at my workplace. So I really appreciated Trisquel having and even automatically starting Orca, even if the latter isn't supposed to happen, according to Dave_Hunt (

At some point it seemed I had managed to switch off the screen reading, but against my expectation wasn't able to use the same key combination to switch it back on, shouldn't that be a toggle? Because I didn't know how to look up how to switch screen reading back on, I abandoned that session.

Also, could it be some steps of the installation are not supported by Orca?
During one session, when I somehow managed to start the pre-installation steps from within a live session, there was a list of languages to choose from, next came what I assume must have been a list of keyboard layouts (for example "Belgian"), then there was a checkbox asking whether to "overwrite empty disk space", and then there was a warning that my settings would probably result in an unbootable system, so I abandoned it.
I think the "overwrite empty disk space?" is ambiguously worded: Does it mean "Allow this installation to use up as much space as it wants", or "Wipe everything (even empty parts) thoroughly so any previous data cannot easily be recovered by an adversary"?

During one session, trying Alt+F1 > "System" > "Administration" > "Install Trisquel 10" several times didn't seem to do anything (audible), is it broken? Nor did the icons on the desktop. Unfortunately, the only time I, as mentioned above, did manage to (blindly) initiate the pre-installation procedure and heard the available keyboard layouts and so on, I didn't understand how I did so, and was unable to repeat it.

Also, just from what I heard through Orca, I wasn't 100% sure whether I was on a live system or instead might already have installed Trisquel without noticing.

The only times I saw anything on the screen were while Trisquel was starting up or shutting down / waiting for me to remove the USB stick (showing the "Picos" and the logo). Not during BIOS, not when asking whether to initiate a live system or install, not for the session login screen, not for the desktop, nor for the pre-installation procedure started from a live session. And I failed to establish an internet connection. (Debian has Connman pre-installed, why not Trisquel?) But those issues probably doesn't belong in this thread, sorry.


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A rejoint: 12/13/2017

Two showstopping accessibility bugs in the 1 Nov version (I have not checked the 27 Nov version):

Bug 1: Accessibility options don't do anything.
How to reproduce this bug:
Instead of starting a live system, go straight to (graphical) installation. The bottom menu (accessible via F5, I think?) offers some accessibility options. For example, select "Accessibility" > "Screen reader".
Expected behaviour:
Screen reader says "Screen reader on" and will read out loud anything you select.
Actual behaviour:
Nothing seems to happen. Same with the other accessibility options.

Bug 2: At one point during a "blind" installation dialogue, there seems to be no way to continue, and the screen reader cannot tell you what's wrong.
How to reproduce this bug:
Start a live system. Press Alt+Super+S to switch on the screen reader if it's not on already. Start a (graphical) installation dialogue from within the live system: Alt+F1 > "System" > "Administration" > "Install Trisquel 10".* When you reach the step where you are asked to choose a user ID and a login password, write something invalid. For example, in the field "user ID", write a number.
Expected behaviour:
A red explanation text immediately appears next to any wrongly filled field, for example: "User ID must start with a lowercase letter". The screen reader reads this out loud.
Actual behaviour:
A red explanation appears, but the screen reader won't read it. To a user relying on the screen reader, it is not obvious why there doesn't seem to be a "continue" button and what's going on, that is, that there is in fact a "continue" button but it's greyed out (and unhearable) because your input in one or several of the fields does not conform to requirements which are unhearable and not obvious. You are stuck.

Bug 3:
When, instead of starting a live system, I started a text (that is, non-graphical) installation dialogue, I think my keyboard didn't work. I saw the list of available languages, but wasn't able to navigate at all.

Bug 4:
During the dialogue preparing a graphical installation process, there was a warning message saying something about an "EFI system partition", and one of the options was to go back and edit partitions. When I chose that, I saw what I assume was a list of partitions. When I clicked on one (which said EFI, I think?), a pop-up popped up, titled "??? ???" if I remember correctly. Yes, that's just question marks. As soon as I clicked it away, it popped up again, ad nauseam. It took me all my dexterity to hit something like a "quit" button during the fraction of a second between clicking the pop-up away and the next one popping up. (Unable to do rectify anything here, I apparently solved the EFI problem simply by choosing no LVM and/or as little encryption etc. as possible during my next try IIRC.)

I took photos of some of these bugs but cannot post them now.

Good news is I finally got to the point where I have Trisquel installed AND CAN SEE IT. Yay. Alas, no internet yet, hence this late follow-up from a workplace computer.
Oh and thanks for the antialiasing switch-off option in this version, I love it.

*) As mentioned in my other post (Ctrl+F "During one session"), not even this first step worked for me when I was "blind", but I probably did something wrong because when I tried again seeing, it worked.


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A rejoint: 07/15/2009

Please wait for the next round of ISOs, as the one you are testing is quite "old" as the development is evolving quite fast.
Soon a new thread will be open for that.


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A rejoint: 12/13/2017

About my comment that I "wasn't able to use the same key combination to switch it back on":

I have not encountered this problem again. Alt+Super+S toggles as expected.
Directly after login, when the desktop appears, it always only works on the second try; but perhaps that's just because I don't press the keys hard enough on my first tries.

Another accessibility bug:
During startup, the screen reader stays silent at the point where you need to type your decryption password and, upon entering it, does not read out loud the success / failure notification appearing in the top left corner.
(And perhaps it also stays silent at the point where you need to type your user password? I can't remember. I'm writing these posts from memory.)


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A rejoint: 01/02/2019

The version of telegram-desktop(2.0.1+ds-1build1) is not supported anymore and can't be used.

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A rejoint: 04/01/2021

Have you tried any of the options available here:

The portable version (the one you get by downloading the tar.xz archive) ships with an updater.


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A rejoint: 01/02/2019

Yes, I know of these, but I just wanted to give the developers notice of this issue.


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A rejoint: 07/15/2009

As this package has no backports for bionic/etiona there is not much we can do.

Highly active software packages are not easily backported from the main project release itself, it's been discussed before on the forum, as ubuntu freezes versions for each release.

So, maybe using Guix can be an option for nabia etiona.

Update: Trisquel 10 will have a supported release in backports, cheers.


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A rejoint: 10/20/2020

I have tested trisquel-mini in a librebooted x200 laptop and I cannot reproduce the installation error message, so that seems to have been fixed.
About the disk decryption at startup it is the same. I just found out that by pressing esc, which goes to text mode and then go back to the decryption password box again with esc, i can now type and see the typing ***** hidden chars.

By the way, trisquel 10 mini looks great. I believe that making abrowser default was a good move and overall system works as great as trisquel 9 does. In my opinion, trisquel mini suits better to x200 than trisquel with mate. It seems more fluid and the annoying fan is starting fewer times.

There something important that I cannot understand though. Why 2 calculators apps? This keeps me up all night....

Nambia is going to be another great release. Keep up the good work!!!

Edit: I have used the iso image from 06-Dec-2021 15:27

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A rejoint: 02/19/2016

But in this site I don't see the ISO image of Trisquel 10 Mini i686. Will it be possible to have it??


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A rejoint: 07/15/2009

Starting Trisquel 10, there will be no i686 release.

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A rejoint: 02/19/2016

Oh, gosh! And what 32 bit "libre" distro may I use at the end of life of Trisquel mini on my old 32 bit notebook HP510? Trisquel mini i686 is so beautiful!

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A rejoint: 04/23/2015

Installed trisquel-mini 10 this morning on my HP-Pavilion desktop.

Downloaded from

First thing I did was disable anacron.service because it seems to wait till I want to shutoff my PC to decide to run some job thus delaying shutdown for nearly two minutes. Maybe not a good idea but I'm impatient. I've had that happen when I've been on the computer for hours and it's time to go, not time to suddenly remember it had a job to do. But systemctl -l | grep service really showed a reasonable slate of services set up by default. I only disabled anacron and wpa_supplicant.

Ran 'sudo synaptic' to get packages and updates. I have to have keepass2 and that took two tries but is working now. I got a good selection of packages: libreoffice, gimp, bleachbit, clamav, vlc, extra xfce and vim stuff, simplescreenreader. While they were being gotten I was horrified to discover I only had Midori for surfing but then Abrowser came as an update so that's cool.

Last error in Synaptic was /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-6jqwCH/10-trisquel-gtk-theme_10.5_all.deb: new trisquel-gtk-theme package pre-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1

Xfce has been my go to desktop for several years ever since Gnome started to look like a smart phone desktop so I'm happy the developers chose it for trisquel-mini 10.

One question, no big deal, but how can I customize the splash screen? The mountain pic is smaller than my monitor (1920 X 1080) and I might also like to replace it with one of my own snow covered mountain.

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A rejoint: 11/03/2021

I am running the KDE addition of nabia (Triksel). Today, after trying an update, I am getting the following error:

The following packages will be upgraded:
1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B/8,560 B of archives.
After this operation, 9,216 B disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
(Reading database ... 234573 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../trisquel-gtk-theme_10.5_all.deb ...
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/share/themes/Trisquel-dark/metacity-1': No such file or directory
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/share/themes/Trisquel-dark/gnome-shell': No such file or directory
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/share/themes/Trisquel-dark/plank': No such file or directory
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/share/themes/Trisquel-dark/unity': No such file or directory
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/share/themes/Trisquel-dark/xfwm4': No such file or directory
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/share/themes/Trisquel-dark/gtk-2.0': No such file or directory
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/share/themes/Trisquel-dark/gtk-3.0': No such file or directory
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/share/themes/Trisquel-dark/Trisquel-dark.emerald': No such file or directory
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/share/themes/Trisquel-dark/metacity-1': No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/trisquel-gtk-theme_10.5_all.deb (--unpack):
new trisquel-gtk-theme package pre-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

I tried just removing the package it wants to upgrade, since I don't really need it on KDE, but it seems to want to uninstall my entire desktop (hmmmm, why does that seem so familiar?).

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

I would try to create the repository trisquel-gtk-theme wants, executing that in a terminal:
$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/themes/Trisquel-dark

austomus (non vérifié)

Hello, when I try to boot into the Triskel 10.0 live CD, this happens.
I have an NV160 series GPU, and this doesn't happen on Etiona or Parabola.

the error

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A rejoint: 07/15/2009

Please download the latest testing disk (10-Dec-2021), and report at the new topic.



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A rejoint: 07/15/2009

Thank you all for all the feedback, this topic is (old and) long enough for the last sets of ISO images, for further discussion on the new images (10-Dec-2021 or later) please use this topic:

So we don't recycle fixed issues.

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A rejoint: 04/24/2013

The most recent Trisquel 10 release is successfully installed and operative on an asus laptop that refused to run Trisquel 9, regardless whether it was from a live USB or from an attempted upgrade from a previously operative Trisquel 8 installation.

Trisquel 10 now exists on a separate partition and shares the /home partition with my previous Trisquel 8 release which I also configured to mount a /home partition separately. So glad I did that!

Only one major issue: Resuming from suspend from T10 leaves me with a black screen and no way to shutdown properly on the asus E402MA. I am back to T8 meanwhile.

Thanks to T10, I was finally able to authenticate with my e-id card reader to clear customs for an international parcel mailing in Latvia.