Trisquel 11 under virtualbox no desktop ICONS
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Finished installing Trisquel 11 under Virtualbox 7.08 on Ubuntu 22.04.
The guest additions were added.
The desktop displays as a mountain range but I can not get and lauchers to display.
Please advise.
Well I guess I will give up on Trisquel with no feedback.
Try Gnome-Boxes if you're on Ubuntu. It's very simple to use.
Virt-manager and QEMU/KVM is another free piece of software if you need more control over the machine.

> Finished installing Trisquel 11 under Virtualbox 7.08 on Ubuntu 22.04.
> The guest additions were added.
One reason why people may not answer is that virtualbox is proprietary software, so no one on this forum uses it and we have no clue what you mean by "guest additions".
My suggestion would be that you use virt-manager, which is free software and, in my opinion, easy to use.
Which edition of Trisquel did you install? (default, mini, triskel)
Also, which desktop icons are you looking for? In my recollection, the only desktop icons are for documents and trash (I have removed them because I prefer an empty desktop), the default way to start applications is using the menu that opens by clicking on the leftmost icon on the default panel.
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